February 15, 2002

Subject: Re: AztlanNet: M. Sedano Moral Coward? (probably not)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 01:02:25 EST
From: TraveisaBlue@aol.com
Reply-To: AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com
To: Sedeno7@aol.com, AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com, Aztlannet@yahoo.com, superchingona@hotmail.com

As I have stated before I prefer that you only contact me through the Aztlannet and not on your personal mailing list. Judging Art is one thing judging human beings is another. You are not simply judging Alma's work. You are passing judgment on any one who supports her. That is why you are so willing to vilify Aztlannet for displaying her work at the website.

Intellectualizing your hatred is not justification enough. Name calling as you have done because people disagree with you must surely be a sign of a moral coward. You have it wrong, it is not about Miguel Sedano, but Pedro Sedeno. Would you like me to believe that the Virgencita would stoop to your level of intolerance? Some believer you are.


Subject: Re: Myth and anti-myth
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:50:35 -0700
From: "Anna Mora" <amora@osogrande.com>
To: <Sedeno7@aol.com>, <AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com>,<eavila9234@aol.com>
CC: <almalopez@earthlink.net>, <oromano@tqsbooks.com>,<joeyspouch2004@yahoo.com>,<happyhermit@earthlink.net>, <rosamwill@aol.com>
References: 1

Intlanextla in Tonatiuh -
    Feminist pagan religion?  ?Que es eso, Pedro? Where is it practiced, i.e. in reference to your response, below...?en Nuevo Mexico?, ?entre los honorables Danzantes Concheros, dices, ?o como? Some of this sounds like things I have told you about what little I know of beloved Coyolxauqhui, pero they are out of context (am not sure if you are quoting me or someone else, since I am not a 'Conchera' dancer, and I have never and never would call any of the Mexica legends that our ancestors left for us 'feminist pagan religion,' so surely, you MUST be quoting someone else - ?quien ?  are these embellished quotes...?). Need more info on your source - gracias, compadrito. Please respond.
   I have learned that to many, pero only speaking for myself, that to re-member Coyolxauqhui is to help us to heal from our / her soul wounds - de nuestros sustos como hembras (Avila, 1999), not, as you wrote, " ...in effect, an anti-myth of retaliation, to remember grievances,  to counter  the "myth" of compassion communicated by the deity Guadalupe-Tonantzin. i.e. of letting go of grievances and forgiving..." 
     "Countering the compassion" of our beloved Tonantzin you say?  ALL the feminine energies, essences, emanations (the words goddess or deity [nor princess or Queen] are not used here as they came from the beliefs/language of European visitors), as I understand from Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan, portador de la palabra de la Tradicion Tetzkatlipoka en el D.F., are ALL the same energy... they are all representative of feminine energy, of Coatlicue, Nuestra Madre.....Nuestra Madre Tierra, Earth. They celebrate this fact with la "Danza de la Tierra" every June 21st, in the now urban Tenochtitlan...would ask that this message be forwarded to him by eavila so we can confirm this concept with him... To attempt, as you do in the message below, to separate (e.g.) Coyolxauqhui from Tonantzin, ...or Kamaxtle from Coatlicue, or Omeciwatl from Chantico ....is not founded in the Mexica cosmovision, if that is important to you, compadre Pedro.
   I think that the manta of Coyolxauqhui's image which Alma Lopez placed on her rendition of her artpiece of what artwork is to her is very, very beautiful (just the color of the manta itself is magnificent). I would like to make a traje for danza with that theme myself....! quisiera !  Alma - ?can you help me make one, esa?
   Forgive me for my poor spelling of Nahuatl and for any errors I may have made in response to this posting re: my understanding of the conceptual framework of the sacred Mexica cosmovision of duality (both feminine and masculine energies are needed in our lives !), which I have only begun to learn.

Mexica Tiahui,
Malinalli X. In Miktlampa
     Avila, E. (1999). Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Ancient Aztec Secrets. New York: Putnam Books.