May 2006
Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 12:51:10 -0500
From: "eduardo martinez"
Subject: En que estabas pensando?
La verdad es que te pasas, no entiendo como te atreviste a hacer algo así , lo que me queda claro es que eres una persona que no respeta que para la mayoría de los mexicanos, después de Cristo, es lo mas sagrado. Me imagino que no eres católica…eso lo explicaría. No importa de quien fue la idea, del otro ni hablar.
Gela Mendoza de Martinez.
From:"Bint Alshamsa"
Subject: [Digital Diva] 5/31/2006 10:01:23 PM
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 22:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Alma,
I saw a picture of "Our Lady" on your website. I had never encountered your work before. I was absolutely stunned to hear that there was such controversy around it but then I am from New Orleans where religious figures have many different reinterpretations and incarnations. Here it is not only accepted but it is a feature of our cultural identity.
I have no qualifications as an art critic but I must say that this picture touched me, from the detail of her robe to the expression of her face with that look of a woman who understands la lucha. I hope you know what a gift you and "Our Lady" are to the world, even if some are too blinded with hate to see it.