Subject: Santa Fe Trip
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 06:44:10 -0600
From: "Helen Lopez" <>
To: <>
References: 1
Hi Alma, My friend Roberta Orona said you were
considering not attending the Monday meeting. I thought I would weigh in on
the subject. She told me that at the last meeting you were prepared with a
slide presentation of Latina art and I don't think you showed it. I look forward
to seeing it. These are my thoughts. I would not go to the Monday meeting.
The regents have set it up so that people are broken up into small discussion
Then I guess there will be a big one for people
to talk. I understand that it isn't a formal board meeting - it is one of
a public dialogue thing. Let them talk their heads off. You have won on the
issue because the piece is still up and there is every indication that it
will remain up. The politicos who have pandered to the loud crowd are or will
back off as it cools off. I think they received letters about their stupid
letter, especially Max Coll and Speaker Lujan. It is cooling off. And by Monday,
the Taliban will be busy with their lives again because Easter weekend will
have taken some of their energy. I think it would be great if you could schedule
on your own time a presentation of the slide show - perhaps with a show with
Pola. And make the presentation a presentation by the show, not by you, so
there isn't so much heat. The idea of Latina Art will still get publicity
and the Guadalapana /Taliban Society will have burned out a bit and be derailed.
These are just ideas. Run it by your advisors.
Remember to come up and visit me. We got about
3 inches on snow last night - Northern NM's famous Primavera Loca. We have
had so much snow this winter (and spring) so the mountain wildflowers will
be spectacular. We have ancient acequia systems up here. I am a commissioner
on mine. We have moradas (where the penetentes do their thing) and tiny churches.
You would enjoy the beauty.
Subject: virgen
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 10:37:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nina Serrano <>
Companera Alma: This is a copy of the letter
i sent to the museum on April 2nd.
Dear Museum Director,
I am writing to you to support the continuing
exhibit of Alma Lopez's "Our Lady". The Church cannot dictate to
the state. The separation of church and state is a long cherished tradition.
Many saints were first persecuted by the church
fathers, (like St. John Of the Cross, or Joan of Arc) before being sanctified
by later generations. This may also happen with Lopez's work: not sainthood,
but the general acceptance that the image of the Holy Virgin can reflect the
artist's culture in dress and demeanor or that of her worshipers.
Images of dark Madonnas and Goddesses appear
the world over, as part of the legacy of the ancient Mother worship. The Roman
Catholic hierarchy does not own exclusive rights to the image of the feminine
form as an expression of the divine.
Sincerely, Nina Serrano- Oakland CA
Subject: Greetings...
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:40:09 -0600
From: Lorraine Schechter <>
To: <>
Hi Alma...just wanted you to know you have my
support and encouragement to continue your good work. I've sent the following
letter to the appropriate museum and legislative people I feel should hear
my voice. Good luck!
Best regards, Lorraine