June 16, 2001
Subject: Re: [AztlanNet: ARTS|LETTERS] Traveisa´s
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 18:53:30 -0000
From: "Pedro Romero Sedeno" <romesedeno@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com
To: AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com
--- TraveisaBlue@aol.com wrote:> I have found
that all the communication from Mr. Sedano has been..........
<Pedro Romero Sedeño responds:
I assume Traveisa´s response is directed
to me, but , for the record, my name is , Sedeño, not to be confused
w/ Michael Sedano, another AztlanNut (like me. I love you, man, even
though we think differently>). . Please note, Traveisa, and "beware
the moving target". Sedeño, of course, is my mom´s maiden
name and is Spanish Marroqui´in origin.
Traveisa wrote: What power he perceives himself
to have are only what we as a individuals give him. It is all based on fear
and threats. Fear and threats is not the manner in which a spiritually invested
person comunicates.
Sedeño response: Threats? Over
the Internet? "Lions, and tigers and bears! lions, and tigers and
bears!" Traveisa. What paranoid cyberfantasy do you perceive of
me and cyberspace? Golly, get a grip, señorita. I am just a low-income
artist and harmless musician and hardly know any karate, so what kind of threat
can I pose, Traviesa ?. "Rasta no work for no CIA".
To calm your paranoia, hermana, I wish to re-post
these words: "What is real cannot be threatened. What is unreal
does not exist. Herein lies the peace of God". Also, as per
"spiritually 'invested' person", please clarify, Traveisa.
myself, I don´t think in terms of >spirituality and "investment",
but rather believe in religion as a matter of Spirit living in one´s
experience, a religion which must be ,above all, personal, and
not just an institutionalized, formalized, organized "religion",
Personal religion is meaningful to me as an extension of a spiritual
reality, i..e. a faith-relationship with a loving and merciful
ParentGod i.e. an invisible and spiritual brotherhood
available to any mortal man or woman, faithers, the kingdom of heaven.
, Again, I re post: "True religion is loyalty to one´s highest
As per criticisms of Alma Lopez´s art,
I am "attacking" Alma-isms and other´s notions of validity
for her pseudo-Guadalupana work, but it is not my intent to attack Alma; (
ella tambien es hija de Dios) (como Dorinda) only to uphold intelligent discourse
about >La Guadalupe. Alma defends her work with
mushy spirituality-artspeak rationalizations,, as per her web-site that Alma
has had "apparitions" of Our Lady of Guadalupe, ( quick, call the
Pope) and then puts Her on the same level as a cutesy 2-d clip-art mermaid,
La Sirena, and then calls this the result of a "relationship" with
Guadalupe and significant art. (Sorry, I think it's rather juvenile
and stupid, and I´m not buying her nor the Museum´s b.s.)
Alma´s trivialization of a real Spirt, la Madre Celestial, is
what I have consistently challenged, as well as the Raquel Salinas poster,
with a call for respect for Spirit and truth, as well as Hispano and Mejicano
traditions and cultural identity.
Subject: Our Lady
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 15:20:17 -0600
From: "Myk & Becky Ewing" <BooksEtc@Zianet.com>
To: <almalopez@earthlink.net>
Alma Lopez,
My name is Becky Ewing and I would just like to say that
my husband, Myk Ewing, and I find the portrait, Our Lady, an absolutely
gorgeous piece of artistry. We are astonished at the negative response
you have received over this beautiful representation of the Virgin Mary. Honestly,
I believe this is the most flattering portrait of the Virgin I have ever seen.
For once the public can see Her as the beautiful woman She is and the beauty
Her presence invokes. We support you 100%.
We are also interested in a print of Our Lady. We would display it proudly
in our small bookstore in Ruidoso, NM.
Becky & Myk Ewing