June 23, 2001
Subject: Our Blessed Mother
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 14:18:27 -0500
From: Dora Gallardo <doragallardo@hotmail.com>
To: <almalopez@earthlink.net>
Thank you very much, Alma Lopez, for letting
us get a closer look at whom the enemy (satan) is using now against God's
people. No, don't delete this message. Are you all for chicanas, women, etc.?
Well, I am a chicana, also.
You don't have the courage yet that it takes
to be a chicana. You may call yourself one. You are a facsimile. But you will!
There's is a movement afoot that is more powerful than the chicano movement
at its peak. It's called prayer. Many people are praying against this picture
(no, not art).
They are also praying for you (no, not against you) because you do not know or have forgotten who you are. Before you were a woman or a chicana, you were a child of God. And you still are. And He loves you, no matter what you have done or will do. But He does want you back! Come back to God, Alma Lopez, where you belong. Not in the enemy's camp. For this enemy does not prohibit you from speaking Spanish, or from looking hispanic, or from being RAZA.
This enemy prohibits you from being the person God created you to be. Don't wait until it's too late! I know what I'm talking about. I believed the lie, the deception. This deception is not blatant, like abuse of rights for good housing, for a good education, etc. This deception is insidious, so insidious that, before you know it, you are so deceived that only LA GRACIA DE DIOS TE PUEDE SALVAR! EL SENOR TE GUARDE Y BENDIGA Y VUELVA A TI SU ROSTRO. EL SENOR HAGA DE TI MISERICORDIA Y TE DE PAZ. EL SENOR A TI, ALMA LOPEZ, DE SU SANTA BENDICION. AMEN. You will come back, you will repent, and you will become, not a facsimile, but a true "mujer". And you will remember this letter, maybe not my name, but this woman who loves you because that is what God wants and expects me to do. You will know when it happens what I am talking about. Hasta Luego.
Subject: I like it
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 23:07:58 -0800
From: "Ed Lindquist" <akdivers@worldnet.att.net>
To: <almalopez@earthlink.net>
I just read an article in the newspaper and
had to visit your site. Your paintings should stay in the museum. You're very
good. Take heart and remember that any kind of criticism is good if it makes
people think about art. Also recall the screams of protest when the Catholics
asked for a new image of Jesus to be created. I very much liked that new image
also. j
Good luck.
Linda Sorrick