July 4, 2001

Subject: [AztlanNet: ARTS|LETTERS] Re: Guadalupayasada
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 02:45:02 -0000
From: "michael sedano" <mvsedano@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com
To: AztlanNet@yahoogroups.com

I believe in letting sleeping dogs lie, perro Romero you lie in spite of your disavowals. You disavow a religious tribute to the icon in the first place, and in the final bespeak your cultural respect for the icon. Religious icons exist in a dialectic, icons serve either the secular or the sacred. Placing the icon of the Lupita onto a cultural pillar is not different from the artist of any stripe using the image in the artist's own secular fashion. Cultural values are important, but girlie posters make up the culture, too, not just the icons you'd choose to see hanging in public spaces. then I consider your devil term, the "dominant culture" ave maria sanctissima per omnia secular saeculorum if the catholic culture hasn't proven itself the dominant one in this whole persecution of one woman's use of the icon. Ironic that when all is said and done, you've raised sound and fury but stand in league with Alma in taking a religious icon out of the church and onto the public forum. And you boast of it! A long time ago this english language writer penned a title, the art of political lying, in which he points out the technique you're using, accuse the other side of doing what you're doing, i.e. the charge of an "alma propaganda" machine. You're doing all the shouting vato, seems to me the propaganda emanates from your direction. Sin verguenza.


--- In AztlanNet@y..., "Pedro Romero Sedeno" <romesedeno@h...> wrote:

>I'm not a practicing Catolico, BUT,  hear ye, hear ye, weberos y weberas duh Aztlan, comfortably tucked away from the Alma-Lopez-propaganda-campaign here in Santa Fe, NM, we raza here in Santa still have to endure Lopez and the Museum's  sophistry of "reconciliation".  The defacing of Our Lady of Guadalupe by the Lopez girlie poster, propped by the transparent artspeak of the domi


Subject: Your artworks
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 23:30:41 EDT
From: Ablonj@aol.com
To: almalopez@earthlink.net

Ms. Lopez:

I saw several of your wonderful artworks at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe last month, and found them very moving and passionate in their social, political, and economic statements. I particularly was moved by California Fashion Slavery and all it represented. The figure being chased by the border patrol was particularly timely since this was following the deaths of a number of border crossers who were betrayed by their "coyotes." I am a medical anthropologist at UCSF and though I work in this country now I have made many trips to Chiapas where I studied years ago, and have been able to closely follow the welcome changes of the past years and months. I salute your work and wish you the best in your career.

Joan Ablon