October 8, 2001
Subject: Artwork for the playSV
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 01:07:49 +0000
From: "sylvia vergara" <sylvia_vergara@hotmail.com>
To: almalopez@earthlink.net, sylvia_vergara@hotmail.com
Dear Alma,
Thank you for sending your image through the
email. I am working as intensly as I can to complete the book. I will be gone
for three days to Mexico with a sister city deligation. I just read your website
and was sorry that there is a fast concerning Our Lady. It is sad to see how
people will take any measure to control a symbol.
I am not as experienced with downloading images. I have spoken to various
persons and when I get back I will do this carefully with someone. I will
try my very best to do the best reproduction I can of your beautiful image.
I also wanted to include in the book a page for you called "About the
Artist". This is about you. If you could send me some bio information
and whatever you would like to include I will put together this page about
you. Please send the information soon. As soon as I return I will be working
with the printer.
The book is coming out nicely. With the three plays I am also going to include
an interlude poem I wrote titled "La Virgen de Guadalupe de Tepeyac"
subtitled, (El Huerfano y Su Madre). This poem will have a reproduction of
La Virgen de Guadalupe de Tepeyac. A writer named Jacqueline Dunnington is
going to lend me a slide of hers so that I can do the reproduction. I'll send
you the poem in the attachment. I will also be reproducing two other images
of my own, one for Marco's Return and the other for Serenata.
I will be in Alpine, Texas at the end of the month. That will be during the
time of the closing of the exhibit. I will be presenting the book there in
Alpine along with other of my texts. Even though the museum could not have
the play at the time of the closing, perhaps a short part where Doce
is defending your artwork in the play can be read by someone. I'll talk to
Tea about it. Maybe I can be reading parts at the same time in Alpine. In
any event, things come in their own timing. I want to thank you so much for
being so kind and helping me. The process of this book has been very profound
for me personally. I am so glad that you created Our Lady. If I had not seen
your artwork, I would have missed the opportunity of this very challenging
and powerful spiritual exploration. Always keep producing your wonderful artwork--it
says so much and with such heart.
ps. I will remain in touch