October 24, 2001
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 14:54:57 EDT
From: AMPaloma@aol.com
To: almalopez@earthlink.net
It's all and good what you do by mentioning
the atrocities that priest have perpetrated while in the church, but that
isn't what this is all about.
Don't jump the subject all right.
It's the Virgin. I am chicana and not a predominant
church attender, still, I do see this as a form of disrespect. How times have
changed to let the children of Hispanic nationality see things that shouldn't
be right as right.
From the beginning, being an artist has been an excuse to deface, disrespect and demonize icons of religion and faith, I can see that you now carry that tradition on in your form of "Art." You regard the image of the Virgin as a deity, that is where you are wrong, she isn't a deity, she is the mother of Christ, the mother of our very salvation, the one that intercedes for us in our time need, if you want to picture her in a bikini when you pray, do it, but don't force others to agree with you in it and don't complain over something you knew when you did it would be so contraversal,if you are a true artist/fiminist/what ever, it shouldn't matter any way. This is simply a way for you to gain notoriety for a piece of work that isn't even very good. If this is what "Chicana" children have as an example of how Mexican-American women should portray themselves in society, God forbid, I thought we had enough problems without something like this.
Subject: Reception
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:45:58 -0600
From: "May, Laura" <LMay@moifa.org>
CC: "Nunn, Tey" <TMNunn@moifa.org>
This invitation is from Dr. Tom Wilson, Director,
Museum of New Mexico
Dear Friends:
The Museum of New Mexico and the Museum of International
Folk Art are holding a private reception to mark the closing of the Cyber
Arte: Tradition Meets Technology exhibition at the Museum of International
Folk Art. The reception will be this Saturday, October 27 from 7:00 to 9:00
p.m. at the Museum of International Folk Art. There will be drinks and hors
d'oeuvres. Joyce Ice and I hope that you can attend, your significant other
is also welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
Tom Wilson
Sent by
Laura M. May
Special Events Coordinator
Museum of International Folk Art