April 17-25, 2011


from Yda Jimenez
to almaloveslupe@gmail.com
date Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 7:01 PM
subject our lady of controversy
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hide details 7:01 PM

Dear Alma,
I am just going to keep writing in Spanish, I am improving on my english.

Acerca de tu obra, no dudo porque ha creado tantos sentimientos de rechazo, especialmente porque asi como tu misma lo dijiste te criaron catolica.....sinembargo eso no significa que puedas traspasar las barreras del respeto poniendo a nuestra Señora en posicion de burla en lugar de reverencia.

No se si te levantaste en una familia con padre, madre y talvez hermanos. pero de algo estoy segura: serias incapaz de usar la imagen de tu mama para ponerla en la portada de algo especialmente asi como esta nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en tu trabajo ridiculizandola y exponiendola a la burla publica. Una madre es sagrada y JAMAS sera esto aceptado por personas que como yo y millones quienes veneramos a nuestra madre y sabes? para quien se ha quedado huerfano de madre, nuestra madre Maria pasa a ser su madre por siempre. Asi que lo unico que te digo es que Dios te ama, conoce lo que hay en tu interior pero tambien te llama diariamente a una conversion.... y ese llamado es para todos. Maria es la madre de Jesus y por ende la madre de Dios, y como catolica lo sabes bien. Parte de nuestro trabajo en esta tierra es justamente darle respeto reverencia y recibir de ella gracias inimaginables!!

Querida Alma, orare por ti

visita www.corazones.org


from Bruno Kordic
to almaloveslupe@gmail.com
date Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 4:32 PM
subject Mensaje para Ud. Ref : Our Lady of Controversy
hide details 4:32 PM

Mensaje que quiero enviarle se debe a mi indignación que siento por su persona, tanto más que Ud. siendo una mujer Mexicana con raíces latinas y preparada según su CV , debería de saber muy bien cuáles son los limites de respeto al culto religioso que se tiene que tener.

Si Ud. quiere enfatizar en la importancia, valores y derechos de las mujeres latinas hay otras formas y maneras de realzarlo sin la necesidad de blasfemiar a nuestra Madre Celestial.

El mas grande respeto que Ud. puede darle a una mujer mexicana o latina en general seria justamente comparandola en todo con nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y no como lo ha tratado de hacer ridiculizándola.

Para finalizar solo quiero decirle que cada acto como este tiene consecuencias graves y es algo que Ud. debería de considerarlo.

Reciba un cordial saludo de un Croata que vive en Mexico desde hace ya mas de 35 años y que ha visto y vivido lo suficiente para poder reafirmar lo anteriormente expuesto.

Bruno Kordic
Monterrey, NL, Mexico



from Delia Batalla
to almalopez310@gmail.com
date Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 5:28 PM
subject Virgin de Guadalupe
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hide details 5:28 PM
Ms. Lopez:

I can't imagine there is anything I could write that hasn't already been written about your depiction of our Blessed Mother. I seriously doubt that you would even bother to read all the comments that have been made about it since its debut in 2001. I must confess that I was ignorant of your work until I received an email from America Needs Fatima encouraging me to send an email to the Oakland Musuem, where you are currently showing, urging them to close this exhibit. Let me first tell you that I was active on my college campus during the early years of the Chicano movement in an effort to increase the rights of both minorities and women. You, Ms. Lopez, are a product of the efforts of those who came before you. Yes, you have the right as an artist to share your vision with others, but I also believe that there are, do I dare say it?, boundries that should not be crossed. At the very least it could be considered bad taste and at worst, sacrilege.

You say that you wanted to show Our Lady as a strong woman as opposed to passive. Is your view of "strong" the same as defiant? In your face? Yes, the Virgen de Guadalupe was, is, strong, but it is a strength that endures life's trials. It's a quiet strength. Strength isn't always loud and boastful. You'll use the freedom that you have under the first amendment to justify your work, but by choosing to depict Our Blessed Mother in this way, you have taken something that is sacred in the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions and desecrated it.

I know lots of people who have a devotion to the Virgen de Guadalupe, but are not necessarily devoted to their Catholic faith. Maybe that is your situation. You admire La Morenita, but do not accept the precepts of the Catholic church, founded by Jesus Christ himself. Unfortunately, you cannot separate one from the other. Her apparition (not in a bikini) to Juan Diego brought more devotees to the faith. The church has had its challenges throughout the centuries, but devotion to the Virgen has never waivered. She is beloved and people do not take kindly to an image that is less than saintly (which she is).

Ms. Lopez, as you mature in your talent, maybe you'll take into consideration your audience and not try to antagonize those you would want to inspire with your art.

Delia Melendez Batalla