May 2011
from Elizabeth Finnigan
date Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:50 PM
subject Darkness into Light
God's Mother loves you very much. She is the Patron of all of North America. Mary is compassion, gentleness, dignity, and grace. Your image does nothing to indicate her beauty and magnificence. Please consider how you might not de-construct the original image from Heaven but how you might give credence to its message. Use your creativity to give honor to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Through your works you might depict the precious lives of the unborn/newborns/ she sought and still seeks to rescue from the sin of child sacrifice/ abortion.
It is easy to render chaos in art but to render beauty is the true challenge. Are you capable of accepting this challenge.? Ask Mary to help you while you contemplate how best to do this. So many souls can then be saved through your efforts. You will be blest--not commercialized or condemned. Life is much too short and too precious to jeopardize our souls. Heaven is not to lose!
Thank you.
from Davalos, Dr. KarenMary
to ""
cc "" <>
date Sun, May 1, 2011 at 8:10 PM
subject Support for Our Lady
hide details 8:10 PM
Dear Lori Fogarty.
I am writing to urge you to support freedom of expression and the work of Alma Lopez in the museum’s current exhibition, Contemporary Coda. No group should be able to pressure an institution to censor a work of art. This particular group is following the earlier patter of censorship and false information. It is time for museums to take a stand for freedom of expression, for art, and for courageous work that is relevant and beautiful.
Do not be misled by those who claim the work is offensive. As a scholar of Chicana art, feminist expression, and an expert on Guadalupan imagery, I am confident that Our Lady will enter the art historical record as one of the most important pieces of Chicana feminist art in the 20th century.
Karen Mary Davalos, PhD Yale University
Author of Yolanda M. López (UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press with distribution by University of Minnesota Press, 2008).
from Fogarty, Lori
to "Davalos, Dr. KarenMary"
date Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:03 AM
subject RE: Support for Our Lady
hide details 9:03 AM
Dear Dr. Davalos:
Many thanks for your expression of support. We are honored to have the opportunity to present "Our Lady" at the Oakland Museum of California.
Best regards,
Lori Fogarty
Executive Director
Oakland Museum of California