Artist López speaks on Virgin controversy
March 27, 2001
She plans to be in Santa Fe when the board
of regents votes on whether to removeher artwork
By calling for the removal of Our Lady, area
Catholics are sending the message that the Virgin of Guadalupe 'doesn't belong
to me to interpret her,' artist Alma López said, and that upsets her.
Alma López, a Los Angeles muralist and
digital artist, plans to be in Santa Fe next week when the Museum of New Mexico
Board of Regentsmeets to consider whether to remove her controversial bikini-clad
image of the Virgin of Guadalupe from an exhibit at the Museum of International
Folk Art.
López said Monday she wants people to
"better understand where I was coming from."
Edson Way, the state cultural-affairs officer,
had hoped to schedule the board-of-regents meeting for later this week, but
on Monday said it would be held next week, possibly on April 4, to accommodate
as many members as possible.
López's depiction of the Virgin of Guadalupe
wearing a floral bikini also prompted a statement Monday from Archbishop of
Santa Fe Michael J. Sheehan. The Virgin of Guadalupe is the Hispanic version
of the Virgin Mary.
Sheehan, who returned last Friday from leading
a pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, called the picture "insulting, even
sacrilegious, to the many thousands of New Mexicans who have deep religious
devotion to Guadalupe."
Sheehan said the picture had "no place
in a tax-supported museum."
"I wish those who want to paint controversial
art would find their own symbols to trash and leave the Catholic ones alone,"
he added. He urged the board of regents to "see that the offensive image
is removed and that those responsible for the unfortunate decision to display
it apologize."
Dean Anthony Trujillo of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church said he was disappointed the picture was not removed from the exhibit
Friday. Several state representatives and senators had called to offer support,
he added, and "the board will start hearing from them."
López was born in Mexico and raised in
Los Angeles. The Virgin of Guadalupe of her childhood was revered by Roman
Catholics throughout Latin America - "a super, holy, motherly figure,"
she said.
"I grew up with that image. It's not like
I'm a stranger to it," López said. The interpretation hanging
in the folk-art museum, she explained, was "a sincere effort to find
a (different) connection to her."
In an interview from Los Angeles, López
said the reaction in Santa Fe has been "the most overwhelming response
to the piece." The picture, for which she received an individual-artist
grant from the city of Los Angeles, attracted attention when it went on display
at the Barnsdall Municipal Art Gallery in Hollywood - but not nearly the outrage
it has caused in Santa Fe. The image also appears on an award-winning book
jacket, and López has shown it regularly during university lectures.
López said she is upset by the message
that "she doesn't belong to me to interpret her."
"I was trying to find a different way of
looking at her," she explained. Instead of the passive, traditional model,
López saw the Virgin of Guadalupe as "powerful and strong."
The model for the Virgin of Guadalupe is Raquel
Salinas, a performance artist and a friend of the artist's. She is standing
with her hands on her hips and her head raised slightly, seeming to invite
the viewer to challenge her. "The pose is a natural pose the model took.
She grew up in urban LA, and you need to grow up a little tough there,"
López explained.
"She is like the women I relate to in my
community and family, " she said. The mother of the infant Jesus, she
added, "would definitely be an amazingly strong and powerful woman."
In Our Lady, the Virgin of Guadalupe's private
parts are covered by rose petals, a reference to the story of her appearance
to an Indian farmer named Juan Diego in 1531.
The Virgin Mary reportedly came to him on a
hillside outside Mexico City and asked him to build a church in her honor.
When the bishop refusedto believe his story, the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego
a second time and told him to go to a barren, stony place where he would find
roses growing.
He wrapped the roses in his cloak and brought
them to the bishop. When he unwrapped them, he discovered the image of the
Virgin imprinted on the cloak.
López was also inspired by the writing
of Latina author Sandra Cisneros, who once wondered what saints wore under
their formal clothes.
In López's picture, the Virgin of Guadalupe
is also dressed in the cloak of an Aztec warrior goddess.
In addition to modeling for Our Lady, Salinas
appears as the Virgin of Guadalupe in one of her performance pieces. Two men
approach her asking for miracles. One is looking for a passive wife, the other
for a motherly figure. Before removing her robe, she says, "I am so much
more than that."
López uses another friend, Raquel Gutierrez,
as the model for the bare-breasted angel who holds the Virgin aloft. "For
me, the connection I have with the breast has to do with mother and nurturing,"
López said.
"My whole idea was to portray someone who
is strong rather than sexual," López concluded.
In a controversial series titled "Lupe
and Sirena," López's images are more openly sexual. A picture
of the Virgin Mary, in traditional guise, is stroking the breast of a mermaid
associated with Mexican lotería games and cards.
Raquel Gutierrez, writing in Frontera magazine,
said, "It's safe to say that Alma's Lupe isn't your abuela's Virgin."
López said she would have to go along
with whatever the board of regents decided.
"Not everyone is going to like everything,"
she said. "But it should be available for people to look at and think
about - and form an opinion themselves."
Copyright 2001 Santa Fe New Mexican
Reader Opinions
Name: Kathy Forrest
Why make such a fuss? The artist did a very nice painting it isn't soooo offensive
she isn't nakedand even if she wereso what! Art is art, it doesn't offend
this taxpayer in Santa Fe. Why cause so much trouble for this artist and people
like me who don't want censorship in this town!!!!!
Name: debbie vigil
it's our blessed mother - something very holy and spiritual to us in Santa
Fe. Let her take her painting and hang it in New York.
Name: Angelo Sandoval
As a devote Catholic I find the art by Alma Lopez very offenive to myself
and meany other Catholics around the State of New Mexico. Anyone how has studied
the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe nows the the picture tells a story and
every detail on the image has a symbolic meaning. How can a person who grow
up with this image presant in her everyday life degrade such a pure image
that has been a modal for all young women in the past even to be named after
the Virgin was an honor to women. I conclusion I so-called piece of art should
be taken down form the walls of the museum. It is an insult to the Hispanic
Culture of New Mexico and especially Northern New Mexico.
Name: Mikhail
While I am believer in non censorship, I can not take the artists attitude
towards the Virgin. First, she does not belong to you. She belongs to God.
We in turn, belong to him. I'm pretty certain he cares about our faith than
your silly painting. But, I can't believe you. To think your interpretation
isn't meant to offend shows to me you are a big intellectual (if at that)snot.
Do you know where you left this painting? You left it in area that where views
on religion have changed very little in several centuries. And you come in
here thinking these simple people will accept your ideas over night. Your
crazy to think you can just plop down here with your art and accept everyone
to say, "ok, that s great!" Progress is slow no matter where you
go. You should honor the request and stop stirring the pot. You are accomplishing
nothing by leaving the painting there, just a lot of hurt feelings. Leave
the painting where I can SAFELY GO SEE IT!
Name: Anonymous
What a mixed up world we live in today. Thanks to the many that "think"
they have values & morals, everythings' going to pot. Just look around,
people who say they have values, say so for their convenience. They need to
somehow justify their won actions/behavior. These are the ones who think it's
okay to do "what's best for me and what makes 'me' happy!" "Self-expression
is okay" regardless who gets hurt. "Self, self, self" is what
matters today (aka, selfishness.) "If it feels good, do it." More
and more, the boundaries of respect are diminishing. We've gone overboard
on "free speech" "freedom of choice," etc. Our "freedooms"
are what's bringing us to our own ruin. There is no longer a sense of decency,
because now it's "freedom of expression." There is no longer respect
for the child (not fetus, not tissue, not 'contents of the uterus', but CHILD)
in the womb, because it's now called "freedom to choose." (We justify
every way the FACT that KILLING a baby is okay). Wake up everyone, just becuase
it's the year 2001, doesn't mean we have to loose what really matters in life.
Thank God for sending us people like our blessed Virgin Mary to imitate. Along
with Her Son, Jesus, she is the example we should all follow. If Alma wants
to express some of todays women, I guess she did it--showing everything she
has. If she wants to express a woman of strength, a woman of patience and
love, a woman of character--a Lady, THEN she is talking about Our clothed
and modest Blessed Mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary is every example of goodness.
Not of selfishness. Imagine if we were unselfish like her? I'm sorry, but
call Alma's 'work' what you want--it's not art--today a slap of a paintbrush
on a canvas is called art. Thank God for those that really know the difference
and stand up for what's right! I personally believe Alma is trying to make
a name for herself for the sake of the good old mighty dollar-so sad that
the mighty dollar has so much influence and control on all our decisions.
Anyone who is a true devout Catholic learned that one who does such things
as Alma is being sacrilegious. Or to put it in another way to those that say
"it's just art", I don't believe you would appreciate logging unto
the net one day and finding your mother or grandmother (or your preteen daughter)
dipicted with her bossom exposed. I only hope that in the future, we will
be able to raise our children with some sense of innocense and purity, despite
all the shameless things around us.
Name: Gene Watson
Change is constant. How many of todays mothers have worn bikini suits, does
that make them less a good mother. God expresses creatively through each person.
I may not like someones interpretation of art but I believe the artist has
a right to exhibit their work.
Name: Sarah
It's only art!! Get over it! There are worse things in life to worry about...
Name: Julie
What is so controversial? I am a somewhat devoted Catholic and NO I don't
take offense to the painting. In fact I think it is beautiful!! So what if
it might be a little "sexual,"...what isn't? Look around, sexual
content is newspapers, on the internet, on tv, on the radio...Stop
worrying about a littke painting and worry about what your children are doing
and where they are!!
Name: ED
It seems to me that you can get away with anything in this country in the
name of art as long as there are people with no morals supporting this type
of trash. As a child my parents complained about to much sex on TV and worry
about porn on the Internet. Looks like now as a father I will not only have
worry about TV and the Internet but the trash they now put in museums. Alma
is wrong Our Lady of Guadalupe belongs to all Catholics. Its just sad to see
someone corrupt a figure who stands for some much just because she thinks
she can. If Our Lady of Guadalupe wanted the world to see her bikini she would
have appeared like that to Juan Diego. She would also have appeared that way
on the piece of garment that is hanging in her blessed church in Mexico City.
Get a clue Alma if you were a true artist you wouldn't have to degrade a religious
figure to win an award.
Name: Anonymous
In New Mexico our Lady of Guadalupe has, for centuries, represented humility
and acceptance of God's will. Our Lady of Guadalup did not appear to Juan
Diego as a warrior princess or any other type of princess. She is the ultimate
in patience and virtue. She has never appeared to anyone in a bikini. Why
try to make her into something she is not? The thoughts provoked by this type
of art show a lack of respect towards Our Lady as well as to those people
who revere her. All this type of art shows is that the artist will do anything
for attention. Good art offends no one. Art that must offend is just an attention
Name: Julie
Ed, We live in a free country right?...I believe she has the right (as does
anyone else) to do anything she pleases as an artist, regardless if you are
offended or not! Don't judge someone unless you know the total facts... PS-
Yes I do have morals!
Name: john
It's not that it's sacrilegious art it's just bad art. Lopez's derivative
technical piece lends weight to the argument that there are no great women
artists. It is only because of the double whine of 'hispanic and woman' that
this so-called art is getting any attention at all.
Name: iren
to be upset about the image of the virgin of guadalupe in a beautiful flower
bikini is just another example of the warped sense of what's spiritual and
holy by the catholic church and it's believers.long live the earthly delights.
Name: alexander dzurec
Separation of Church and State. 'Nuff said. I am happy that my tax dollars
are supporting a fine exhibit that showcases some of the brightest talent
in contemporary Hispanic art. Thank you Museum of New Mexico!
Name: Frank
Some thoughts on the impertinently bold and callus behavior of the Curator
of the International Folk Art Museum of Santa Fe on the Crude and rude portrayal
of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a Bikini. How dare she impose her freedom of expression
by infringing on our Religious beliefs and all we hold sacred. How would she
like for someone to take an image of her mother, sister or other person she
holds in high esteem and degrade, distort, mutilate or do anything they want
to it just to show their freedom of expression? Our Culture, tradition, history,
and religion are most precious to us. This freedom of expression is in very
poor taste, one that we can not and should tolerate! Our Lady of Guadalupe
is the patron of the Hispanic Culture. The Hispanic People are being targeted
most cruelly by portraying their Patroness in this manner. She has been our
Patroness for almost 500 years, and for one person to display and desecrate
one of Our Most Holy Images, just because Government allows freedom of expression,
is indispicable to say the least. It is no wonder our youth, our society,
our country have become so unruly and corrupt. Actions such as these demonstrate
a lack of respect for those of us whos constitutional freedom of belief
is regarded as holy.
Name: Eire
Remember this is America and we supposedly have FREEDOM to express ourselves
in allforms....but most importantly through ART! The Virgin Mary, if there
was such a person, was human and had the same parts we all do! Wake up Catholics...and
stop denying your humanity!
Name: Ana Socolov
Not only is this painting in poor taste, it is sacrilegious; it is a personal
interpretation by Ms. Lopez of Our Lady as a "stong woman" I think
NOT!! It shows no strength; it shows just a deep and twisted sense of disrespect
for all things sacred. Please remove it from our museum!
Name: Jon
From what I have read, heard, and seen the majority of people seem to be coming
out in opposition to this artwork. The last time I checked we still had freedom
of expression in this country. To me defending freedom of expression means
allowing the expression whether you like it personally or not. It is always
much more difficult to allow something you dislike than the things you like.
Given the choice between allowing artwork that I don't like personally or
curtailing the right to freedom of expression, I have to choose in favor of
freedom of expression. In fact I say that the "shame" of it is that
so many people seem to be saying "how dare you show something that we
have not preapproved first".
Name: Roberta Orona-Cordova
I am the very proud owner of "Our Lady." When I walked into a small
gallery in Whittier, California, in October of 1999, I said, "I have
to have her. She's beautiful." I understand the sentiments of hundreds
of New Mexicans who are offended by this image because I grew up a Catholic
in New Mexico, and attended St. Vincent's Academy, and St. Mary's School.
Obviously, I disagree with those who are demanding "Our Lady" be
removed because I believe Alma has a right to create her own representation
of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Since the 1500's the Virgin of Guadalupe has been
a static image, one that is unrealistic for all women; though She is admirable
and many of us emulate Her, She has always been depicted as a woman with virtues
that are unattainable for REAL women. The Virgin is nurturing, loving, forgiving--however,
she was flesh and blood, too. She had breasts, a vagina, womb, and all the
female sexual attributes. Because Catholics believe she was not sexual, they
find Alma Lopez flesh and blood image offensive. But Woman is beautiful, and
to place a photo of a real Woman in the cloak of the Virgin of Guadalupe demonstrates
that many modern females openly and candidly embrace their own sexuality,
which we as young girls were taught to deny because it was sinful according
to the Catholic church, but okay for males because afterall, "they are
men." For me, Alma Lopez' "Our Lady," combination of the symbols
of the Virgin with Real Woman is who we are in real life. And finally, if
you were to visit my home you would see the many traditional symbols of the
Virgin and female saints because they all reflect the positive aspects of
the woman's experience-- including Alma's image. Very likely "Our Lady"
will be removed, but thank you Alma, and the admini- strators of the International
Folk Museum for putting "Our Lady" on the map.