Archbishop Michael Sheehan of Santa Fe, N.M., has protested
the trashing of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a photo
collage that depicts her dressed in a bikini made of roses and held up by
a bare-breasted angel. Such an image has no place in a tax-supported
public museum, he said.
The digital photo image, titled Our Lady, was created by 33-year-old
California artist Alma Lopez. It is part of an exhibit, Cyber Arte:
Where Tradition Meets Technology, that recently opened at Santa Fes
state-funded Museum of International Folk Art.
To depict the Virgin Mary in a floral bikini held aloft by a bare-breasted
angel is to be insulting, even sacrilegious, to the many thousands of New
Mexicans who have deep religious devotion to Guadalupe, Archbishop Sheehan
said March 26.