Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) [Paperback]
Alicia Gaspar de Alba (Editor), Alma López (Editor)
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Months before Alma López's digital collage Our Lady was shown at the Museum of International Folk Art in 2001, the museum began receiving angry phone calls from community activists and Catholic leaders who demanded that the image not be displayed. Protest rallies, prayer vigils, and death threats ensued, but the provocative image of la Virgen de Guadalupe (hands on hips, clad only in roses, and exalted by a bare-breasted butterfly angel) remained on exhibition.
Highlighting many of the pivotal questions that have haunted the art world since the NEA debacle of 1988, the contributors to Our Lady of Controversy present diverse perspectives, ranging from definitions of art to the artist's intention, feminism, queer theory, colonialism, and Chicano nationalism. Contributors include the exhibition curator, Tey Marianna Nunn; award-winning novelist and Chicana historian Emma Pérez; and Deena González (recognized as one of the fifty most important living women historians in America).
Accompanied by a bonus DVD of Alma López's I Love Lupe video that looks at the Chicana artistic tradition of reimagining la Virgen de Guadalupe, featuring a historic conversation between Yolanda López, Ester Hernández, and Alma López, Our Lady of Controversy promises to ignite important new dialogues.
About the Author
ALICIA GASPAR DE ALBA is a Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies, English, and Women's Studies at UCLA. Her nine previous books encompass historical novels, poetry, short stories, and a cultural study of Chicano art.
ALMA LÓPEZ is an artist, activist, and visual storyteller originally from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Product Details
Paperback: 348 pages
Publisher: University of Texas Press; Pap/DVD edition (April 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0292726422
ISBN-13: 978-0292726420
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (10 customer reviews)
Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #359,783 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Customer Reviews
5 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Thumbs down to some of the critcs, April 27, 2011
By Debra L. Girard "originaldebra" (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
leroi, Joan, Pajjjor, GayleGdovin- You are kidding- OBSCENE? This Depiction of Our Lady is extremely tame. Have you even read the book? I don't agree with everything, but an artist has a right to be irreverent if he/she wants to be. PORN GARB? Not one nipple is showing- what are you talking about? How should women be depicted? In veils from head to foot? The artist is depicting a strong, confident modern woman, with lots of power. For thousands of years real nudity has been depicted in religious art. Including religious figures who were nude or semi nude ( Like Jesus himself). Naked people everywhere!!!!! This is a centuries old tradition.This picture shows a lot less flesh than those Renaissance paintings of Jesus' crucifixion shown in Roman Catholic churches! Get a life and read.
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17 of 26 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Important, Profoundly Moving Text, April 26, 2011
By Charlene Villaseñor Black - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is an exceptionally important and powerful collection of essays that documents and theorizes one of the most controversial attempts at artistic censorship in recent memory, the contention over Alma Lopez's Our Lady in the Cyber Arte exhibition at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2001. The interdisciplinary essays incorporate sophisticated scholarship, important documentation of the events and their context, and art historical analysis, along with testimonios and calls to activism. While wide-ranging in their approaches, the essays are unified by the concept of "chiasmus" introduced by editor Alicia Gaspar de Alba. Several of the essays open up new interpretive paths, new tools for the activist-scholar-student to use. From an art historical point of view, this is the most serious consideration of the oeuvre of Alma Lopez published to date. The inclusion of so many color reproductions of her work, as well as the work of other artists, will facilitate further art historical study.
The text is also extremely important in that it restores to the artist and curator involved their voices. In hindsight, the protesters got so much press, but the main protagonists - especially the artist and curator, as well as their supporters -- were not able to fully tell their side of the story. It is imperative that the public see the documents included here, including the letters and emails of the protest organizers, the supporters' commentaries, the Archbishop's responses, newspapers cartoons, even the hate letters penned by children at adults' behest. The Appendices at the back of the volume publish selected viewer comments that indicate the great range of viewer responses.
Finally, the text includes extremely important and profoundly moving commentary on the Virgin of Guadalupe and what she means in the lives of Chicana women and others today.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 10:36:35 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 26, 2011 10:37:43 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
What can be more important than the respect that is owed to Our Lady? NOTHING! No nothing is more important than the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ! It matters very little what is actually in the text of this book since the author chose to portray a very poor in taste and disrespectful, immodest image of La Virgen de Guadalupe.
I am a chicana as well and, for me, the love and prayers that She offers for all of us is more meaningful and lasting than what is contained within the pages of this book which seem to be little more than about politics and twisted views of how Our Lady should be portrayed. That is hardly as important as you think it is.
Our Lady deserves better than this awful and blasphemous "art".
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 5:57:11 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2011 5:57:50 AM PDT
Otto Santa Ana says:
The small group of loud detractors believe there is only one possible way to depict the Virgin. This hateful attitude offends many other Catholics who have more generous views of their beliefs. Even the venerated images were originally artistic renderings, made by human men and women of another time. Alma Lopez' contemporary art is BOTH a homage to the Virgin and to the real women that the artist knows. Strong, determined, sincere women. Catholic women. No single image of the Virgin can capture Her mystery. Nor can one image capture all that She stands for. The tiny proportion of haters who call for censure disrespect all other Marianists, and all true Catholics, who believe the Virgin grants to everyone a Mother's love. Christianity is a religion of acceptance and love, not of rejection and hate.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 8:54:50 AM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
The number of "detractors" is not so small. There were over 47+ comments were the majority were comments and reviews speaking against this book and trying to defend Our Lady. Amazon chose to censor their comments instead. Way to go Amazon! psst
There are many images of Our Lady - but truthfully the image on the cover of this book is not the correct way to portray Her! I believe you are confusing hatred with truth. The truth hurts and is hard to accept. The truth is this book and the cover on it are ANTI-Catholic. True Catholics will know this and stand up to defend the Church and Our Lady!
Christianity is really not so much about the rainbows and butterflys of acceptance and love but about The Truth, The Way, and The Life of Jesus Christ Our Lord, the Son of God and that one must work toward loving and serving Him. By loving, RESPECTING, and praying to His Mother, La Virgen de Guadalupe...well that is what Christianity and True Catholicism is all about!
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars analyze withour bias, June 23, 2011
By vica g - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Hardcover)
I share a different perspective than many of you who see Lopez's work as degarding our Nuestra Madre Guadalupe. To me the image in Lopez's work fearlessly and dramatically says that
1) all women carry Nuestra Madre with and inside us, regardless of what we are wearing or doing, i.e. wearing a bikini or boxing gloves, working in fields, jogging, sewing, etc.;
2)Our Mother Guadalupe is not passive and submission like she is shown in the typical Virgen images;
3) SHE is strong, she gazes directly at you not the floor, she has a stance of unity with the viewer and her hands will fight to defend all of us
4) The image in Lopez's art repeats what we women know: we are not about our bodies. We are not sexual objects. We are more than our bodies: put us in bikinis and we will still fight for our dignity (hence the boxing gloves); take our clothes off and we will use our Madre's roses to cover our breasts which feed our children and our vaginas that are our children's doorway to life; strip us and we will still stare your eyes down; heave color on us to make our bodies toys and we will still stand straight without a loss of our powerful woman identity. We are not just nalgas and breasts, vaginas and legs. We are enshrined by our Madre with dignity and the physical strength to love and defend our familias AND OURSELVES.
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Initial post: Jun 24, 2011 12:38:04 PM PDT
A. Aversa says:
This book is blasphemous. Why did censor my previous review and refuse to remove this book from its inventory? Let it be known to whomever may censor this review that nothing escapes God's justice. Christ is infinitely more protective of His immaculate mother than an older brother is of his younger sister.
Please restore my previous review of this blasphemous book.
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In reply to an earlier post on Jun 30, 2011 8:54:41 AM PDT
Martin Huy-Thong Nguyen says:
Thank you A. Aversa for the courage to stand up for the Blessed Mother. I have sent multiple requests to Amazon asking it to stop selling this blasphemous book. Apparently, it chooses to accompany the prince of this world. Therefore, I have asked them to permanently close all my Amazon accounts. I love to shop here but it's not worth it anymore.
Best regards,
Martin Nguyen
2 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Just tiresome, June 2, 2011
By Stephen Brown - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Another book trying to persuade people it has something constructive to say, when really it doesn't. There is enough shallow thinking taking place in the world without adding to it. I must also say that the front cover is gratuitously offensive.
7 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Why?, May 26, 2011
By Catholic - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
How would you feel if someone wrote a book with your mom wearing only roses on the cover? Since Catholics view Mary as our Heavenly Mother, that's how we see this book cover. All of you saying, "Oh, this is such beautiful art!" I have a question for you. How do you think Muslims would react to a book with a cover of one of Muhammad's daughters practically naked on the cover? That's right, they would be PISSED, and rightfully so. But the difference is people would listen, and Amazon wouldn't delete the negative comments on THAT book. So why is Amazon filtering us? We don't live in Communist China.
Even if your not Catholic you can see how this cover is objectifying women, and you can see that there are two sides of this argument and Amazon should not be taking sides and deleting comments. Who knows, this comment will probably be deleted very soon.
3 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars I Love Lupe!!!!, May 18, 2011
By Sombra L. Ruiz "Reading Reyna" (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is an amazing book that provided me a new way in which to express my life long love for La Virgen de Guadalupe outside of theology. To be able to read and see how other women have express their love and admiration for her made me feel at home and not so strange anymore. This is a powerful daring peace of work that needs to be read and shared with our family of Gudalupanas, scholars, believers and non-believers. It's a reminder of one woman's love and creativity inspired a book that details other women's love and work inspired by La Virgen de Guadalupe!!!! Please ignore the negative reviews and get this books and decide for yourself!!!!
2 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Alma Lopez, May 13, 2011
By margaret Alarcon - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is an excellent thought provoking book. Very informative and well argued. I find it interesting and very frightening that people would consider protesting art work that they have not actually seen for themselves.
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Initial post: May 16, 2011 2:52:20 PM PDT
Kathleen Frye says:
I see where dozens of comments against the presentation of this book (the cover) were removed from Amazon. Shame on you Amazon!!! I was in hopes that Amazon would do the right thing and take this book out of their inventory. Sure nudity is natural. Adam and Eve were depicted as nude in the garden of Eden. But, the Virgin Mary was never depicted in all of history in a bathing suit. When Mary was 12, she dedicated herself to God to remain a virgin. You want the world to know your views, have you read all the texts about Mary. You will never hear a story of her scantily clothed. This is a deliberate attempt to rile people (like burning the Koran) simply to sell a stinking book. The book may be worth the read but you won't get many Christian readers this way. This author is in poor taste on the cover so why go any further unless you are twisted, or someone that wants to justify their sinful lifestyle anyway.
7 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Thumbs down to some of the critcs, April 27, 2011
By Debra L. Girard "originaldebra" (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
leroi, Joan, Pajjjor, GayleGdovin- You are kidding- OBSCENE? This Depiction of Our Lady is extremely tame. Have you even read the book? I don't agree with everything, but an artist has a right to be irreverent if he/she wants to be. PORN GARB? Not one nipple is showing- what are you talking about? How should women be depicted? In veils from head to foot? The artist is depicting a strong, confident modern woman, with lots of power. For thousands of years real nudity has been depicted in religious art. Including religious figures who were nude or semi nude ( Like Jesus himself). Naked people everywhere!!!!! This is a centuries old tradition.This picture shows a lot less flesh than those Renaissance paintings of Jesus' crucifixion shown in Roman Catholic churches! Get a life and read.
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Initial post: May 16, 2011 2:48:04 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on May 16, 2011 2:50:01 PM PDT
Kathleen Frye says:
I see where dozens of comments against the presentation of this book (the cover) were removed from Amazon. Shame on you Amazon!!! I was in hopes that Amazon would do the right thing and take this book out of their inventory. Sure nudity is natural. Adam and Eve were depicted as nude in the garden of Eden. But, the Virgin Mary was never depicted in all of history in a bathing suit. When Mary was 12, she dedicated herself to God to remain a virgin. You want the world to know your views, have you read all the texts about Mary. You will never hear a story of her scantily clothed. This is a deliberate attempt to rile people (like burning the Koran) simply to sell a stinking book. The book may be worth the read but you won't get many Christian readers this way. This author is in poor taste on the cover so why go any further unless you are twisted, or someone that wants to justify their sinful lifestyle anyway.
18 of 33 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Important, Profoundly Moving Text, April 26, 2011
By Charlene Villaseñor Black - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is an exceptionally important and powerful collection of essays that documents and theorizes one of the most controversial attempts at artistic censorship in recent memory, the contention over Alma Lopez's Our Lady in the Cyber Arte exhibition at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2001. The interdisciplinary essays incorporate sophisticated scholarship, important documentation of the events and their context, and art historical analysis, along with testimonios and calls to activism. While wide-ranging in their approaches, the essays are unified by the concept of "chiasmus" introduced by editor Alicia Gaspar de Alba. Several of the essays open up new interpretive paths, new tools for the activist-scholar-student to use. From an art historical point of view, this is the most serious consideration of the oeuvre of Alma Lopez published to date. The inclusion of so many color reproductions of her work, as well as the work of other artists, will facilitate further art historical study.
The text is also extremely important in that it restores to the artist and curator involved their voices. In hindsight, the protesters got so much press, but the main protagonists - especially the artist and curator, as well as their supporters -- were not able to fully tell their side of the story. It is imperative that the public see the documents included here, including the letters and emails of the protest organizers, the supporters' commentaries, the Archbishop's responses, newspapers cartoons, even the hate letters penned by children at adults' behest. The Appendices at the back of the volume publish selected viewer comments that indicate the great range of viewer responses.
Finally, the text includes extremely important and profoundly moving commentary on the Virgin of Guadalupe and what she means in the lives of Chicana women and others today.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 10:36:35 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 26, 2011 10:37:43 PM PDT
Maribell Borcherding says:
What can be more important than the respect that is owed to Our Lady? NOTHING! No nothing is more important than the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ! It matters very little what is actually in the text of this book since the author chose to portray a very poor in taste and disrespectful, immodest image of La Virgen de Guadalupe.
I am a chicana as well and, for me, the love and prayers that She offers for all of us is more meaningful and lasting than what is contained within the pages of this book which seem to be little more than about politics and twisted views of how Our Lady should be portrayed. That is hardly as important as you think it is.
Our Lady deserves better than this awful and blasphemous "art".
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 5:57:11 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2011 5:57:50 AM PDT
Otto Santa Ana says:
The small group of loud detractors believe there is only one possible way to depict the Virgin. This hateful attitude offends many other Catholics who have more generous views of their beliefs. Even the venerated images were originally artistic renderings, made by human men and women of another time. Alma Lopez' contemporary art is BOTH a homage to the Virgin and to the real women that the artist knows. Strong, determined, sincere women. Catholic women. No single image of the Virgin can capture Her mystery. Nor can one image capture all that She stands for. The tiny proportion of haters who call for censure disrespect all other Marianists, and all true Catholics, who believe the Virgin grants to everyone a Mother's love. Christianity is a religion of acceptance and love, not of rejection and hate.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 8:54:50 AM PDT
Maribell Borcherding says:
The number of "detractors" is not so small. There were over 47+ comments were the majority were comments and reviews speaking against this book and trying to defend Our Lady. Amazon chose to censor their comments instead. Way to go Amazon! psst
There are many images of Our Lady - but truthfully the image on the cover of this book is not the correct way to portray Her! I believe you are confusing hatred with truth. The truth hurts and is hard to accept. The truth is this book and the cover on it are ANTI-Catholic. True Catholics will know this and stand up to defend the Church and Our Lady!
Christianity is really not so much about the rainbows and butterflys of acceptance and love but about The Truth, The Way, and The Life of Jesus Christ Our Lord, the Son of God and that one must work toward loving and serving Him. By loving, RESPECTING, and praying to His Mother, La Virgen de Guadalupe...well that is what Christianity and True Catholicism is all about!
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Posted on May 7, 2011 3:25:39 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on May 7, 2011 3:26:47 PM PDT
mom of many says:
This is an excuse for blasphemy. There is nothing important about this pretense to scholarship. It is like calling "Mein Kampf" scholarship! It was hate. The fact that it was published does not make it worthy. This is hate. Lucky for the author she is not attacking Islam or her life would be in danger. Trashing the sacred to Catholics is a bigotry that is always in season.
12 of 22 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars An Incredible Source of Intellectual and Personal Essays, April 26, 2011
By Carlos M Chavarria - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I must say this is an incredible collection of "intelligent and educational" essays. Some of the essays are based on personal accounts while others are based on well-researched academic material.
As a university professor I find this book extremely important, giving the reader an opportunity to see into the world of visual art, the exercise of freedom of expression, and the challenges and abuses that come with the exercising of freedom of expression.
La Virgen de Guadalupe is an image that belongs to the people, not just a few people, and it belongs to all cultures and all nations, not just to a reserved few. And as "La Madre de todos los Mexicanos," the image of the Virgen has been used as a commercial icon throughout the years. It has appeared (painted) on the walls of cities, on T-shirts, on shoes, on blankets, on hats, as a key chain, on the cover of school notebooks, on calendars, on pencils, on pens, as tattoos, and even on plates, glasses, and wine bottles.
Suddenly, an artist, takes the image and changes its "look" by showing her body (her stomach and legs) and it becomes a controversial image because as some people say, "it is disrespectful to our lady and those who are catholic." This could be true, yet not ALL Catholic are offended. I am one and I am not offended by the image. Yet, I am also an intelligent person and I'm able to separate my religious views from my artistic views.
But this review is NOT about the image but rather about the book and its content. And the content in this book is necessary for the understanding of "freedom of expression" and the understanding of the challenges artist have when aiming to the deconstruction of religious images. The essays take an intellectual approach at trying to explain why so many people protest the image created by artist Alma Lopez.
Does the image offend many Catholic people, I'm sure it does. Does the image brings controversy? It did, it does and it will. Does that mean that writing about the image's existence and about the movements of protest and support that have come about because of such image should cease to exist? Definitely not.
Regardless of who believes and who doesn't and regardless of who is offended and who is not, the "Our Lady of Controversy" book is a text that people, trying to understand either side of the controversy, should read; and, that academics will find very informative and helpful when discussing "freedom of expression" and the right to such freedom.
Art that is controversial is good art because it places us into a level of discomfort when we, as the viewers are being challenged to question our own beliefs, our own traditions, and our own conformity. This is a very good thing because through these questions and challenges we are force to see not only our side but the other side. We are able to understand ourselves and others. And like it or not, we are able to question that which for many years have been indoctrinated in our minds by (in this case) a religious organization as is Catholicism.
Better yet, if we are "smart enough" to separate our religious views from our personal emotions, we are able to appreciate this book in order to understand and finally comprehend that Alma Lopez' "Our Lady" is an individual's artistic expression not a "religious artifact," because the only image that is sanctified and counts is the one that stands in the Basilica de Guadalupe.
But if we are people who are not able to see the differences, then, that means that every single image and portray of the Virgen is sanctified and should be honored. Imagine praying to my pencil or key chain because it has the image of La Virgen. That would be silly, as silly as some of the reviews found here, which condemn the book because of the image or because of the subject matter.
Smart, intelligent people should be able to separate personal emotions from religious views and should be able to read this book in order to grasp the understanding of the artist's intentions, as well as why such art piece has been the cause of controversy, and how thousands of people have express their discontent with the image and have protested against it, yet thousands more have also praised the work and have supported from the beginning.
The book, as a collection of essays, is a volume that must be read in order to understand the controversial phenomenon one small piece of art has caused.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 5:22:05 PM PDT
Saddies says:
Sir , with all due respect which I am sure you feel you deserve because of your title of "professor", why is it that other religions are off limits? But everyone feels that they can "safely" ridicule christians and in this instance catholics? Let me ask you a question, if someone had taken a picture of your own dear mother and photoshoped something similar to what was done in Ms. Lopez' book cover, AND publicly displayed it would you be as tolerant in the name of art? This is exactly what has been done for us catholics, how could you call yourself a catholic and accept this? Our Blessed Mother is not only the Mother of Our Lord but if you Sir know your Faith, you would know that she is also YOUR Heavenly Mother. You may call me ignorant, narrow-minded, not "enlightened" and all the names you want but at least I can stand up, and defend the Mother of My Lord, my Heavenly Mother.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 5:57:26 PM PDT
Carlos M Chavarria says:
I do not pay attention to artist or people who ridicule faith or any religion for that matter. They have the right to their expression as much as I have the right to mine. And yes, I call myself a Catholic because I am a Catholic. My faith, thanks to my grandparents and parent is based on the beliefs they have taught me. Just because someone present La Virgen half naked, my faith is not being ridicule. NOT my faith, perhaps yours but not mine. I'm pretty sure of my faith and my beliefs.
And to answer your question: If my "dear mother" was photoshoped and her picture put on the cover of a book for the sake of art, I would not mine. Perhaps my mother would but I wouldn't.
Just to make something clear. I do no Our Blessed Mother is the mother of Our Lord and it is also my mother. And just because Ms. Lopez half uncovered her, La Virgen does not stop being my Blessed Mother. I still adore her, respect her, and pray to her. What Ms. Lopez has done is within her own right and that does not disturb my faith, nor makes me think less of La Virgen. If you are angry or disgusted by the art, then, don't see it. Better yet, stop calling attention to it because the more attention you give to it, the more importance you give to it. It is as simple, as easy, and as peaceful in my heart and soul as that.
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 9:29:50 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 26, 2011 9:31:20 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
Clearly you do pay attention to people who ridicule faith and religion; in particular that of the Catholic faith.
It seems to me that the fact that you wouldn't mind your very own mother being photoshoped in this way goes hand-in-hand with the way you don't mind how Our Lady has been shown this way!
You may call yourself Catholic but I get the impression you are most likely quite luke-warm. It is much too easy for you to see this image for which you call "art" as no big deal and thus YOUR faith is being ridiculed because you fail to see the HUGE disrespect that this image depicts in the name of art.
Furthermore, it doesn't really make sense for you to say, "Smart, intelligent people should be able to separate personal emotions from religious views.....". You are overly simplifying the issue! Smart and intelligent mean the same thing so you are also being redundant. Religious views go hand-in-hand with personal emotions! Do not insult the intelligence of the faithful Catholics who are offended by this image. It is because they are religious and dearly love Our Lady that the personal emotions as well as the intellect come into play!
Overall, you simply down-play the entire, highly insulting and offensive image, er "art" as you call it, much too much!
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 4:16:41 AM PDT
Carlos M Chavarria says:
Hmmm. Perhaps I should go and burn the museum to prove my faith.
I see all your points and I do understand what you are saying. Yet, after I explain myself you still don't see my perspective and perhaps want me to be in YOUR side.
Having two uncles who are priests, two first cousins who are nuns and growing up in Mexico with a family where rosary praying was and still is part of what define us as Catholics, I pretty much doubt I am "luke-warm." But I'm sure this will not satisfy you either because at the end, I can see that if I don't see things your way, then I'm in the wrong and you're in the right.
The great thing about having two priests and two nuns in the family us that we have been able to sit down on the same table, eat and drink together, and discuss our faith, knowing that no matter what others said, do, and how much others try to ridicule our faith and our saints, at the end, we know where we stand. In short, it isn't the other that defines us, but ourselves and our faith.
I thank them for teaching me and the rest of the family to love and respect our faith and saints and let the rest of the world try to impose their views on each other. I am at peace with Jesus and La Virgen and once again, what the artist has done does not offend me because I it means nothing to me.
I don't downplay the "entire, highly insulting and offensive image" I simply don't give it importance.
Now, as much as I am enjoying this discussions with you, this site is to discuss the book not the image. At least that is the impression I had.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 9:08:53 AM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
Well since the cover is on the book, I think it merits discussing as well. I also think that the book is Anti-Catholic both within the pages as well as the cover itself.
Maybe you don't give the cover importance but you should. If you are a devout Catholic you would also be insulted by the cover. So, I won't mince words, you should be, not on my side but on Our Lady's side. She is the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. How much do you think this has saddened and offended Him to see that His Mother is portrayed this way? Don't be on my side but think about how He feels.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 9:11:31 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2011 9:27:51 AM PDT
1231tab says:
"I am at peace with Jesus and La Virgen and once again, what the artist has done does not offend me because I it means nothing to me." This QUOTE of yours explains it all to us very clearly. In addition, so what if you have two uncles who are priests and two cousins who are nuns.. Do you think you are going to heaven on their backs? haha...foolish man!!!
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 9:59:43 AM PDT
Carlos M Chavarria says:
As I said before, such image is not the image I pay tribute.
And I can see we are not going to agree on anything so I do believe we have exhausted our conversation.
Have a good day and may the blessings of our Lord be with you.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 10:04:22 AM PDT
Carlos M Chavarria says:
I never said nor implied I was going to go to heaven on the backs of my uncles and/or cousins.
So, please, don't put words or come to conclusions on my behalf.
Now, with all due respects, please leave me alone.
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Posted on Apr 28, 2011 4:20:05 PM PDT
Laura Merkel says:
It never ceases to amaze me how people like you actually believe you are "smarter" than (i.e., better than) others, based simply on different beliefs. A truly self-confident, reasonable person would not need (or want) to undermine and belittle people whose beliefs were different than theirs. The need to posture and fancy yourself as such tells me with whom the real problem lies. When you point the finger of accusation at others, there are really three fingers pointing back at you.
You should not pass judgment on people whose beliefs and emotions you don't understand simply because you've never experienced them yourself. You're like the blind person who doesn't believe there is a green because you've never seen green, yet you laugh at and demean those who believe in green because they've seen it!
"And like it or not, we are able to question that which for many years have been indoctrinated in our minds by (in this case) a religious organization as is Catholicism."
"Indoctrinated?" Your choice of words here is very telling. I have NEVER heard a sincerely devout Catholic, on fire with love of God and His Church, EVER use the word "indoctrinated" when describing their spiritual formation. By saying that, you're proving that you also cannot separate your personal emotions from your own religious beliefs. Sounds to me like you're harboring some decidedly non-rational feelings and beliefs towards Catholicism of your own. See any irony here?
In reply to an earlier post on Jun 17, 2011 4:55:29 AM PDT
Antonio CB says:
If you were pretty sure of your faith you would defend it one way or another; you cannot have two masters, either you will love one and hate the other, and a person cannot separate his or faith from his or her intellect or emotions (faith is a whole inside a person, you cannot pull it apart or it will be an opinion not real faith); the way I see it there is no faith in a person who has such view.
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In reply to an earlier post on Jun 17, 2011 5:05:07 AM PDT
Antonio CB says:
Now you are being ridiculous. Why do you have to burn the museum to prove your Faith? That is not a catholic thought or action. It is more like a marxist way of thinking. Having a family of priests or nuns doesn't make a person more faithful than another who doesn't have such a family. But do you pray? I mean real pray, everyday to Our Lady or to God in your knees? If you did that, you would havre second thoughts, because in the end it is a very old case of not recognizing that the Mother of God is being sold cheaply. Again, you separate the image from the book, but the image is the book after all, if it was not, it would not be printed there. Image and text is the WHOLE BOOK. Another Judas Iscariotes.
14 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars great and necessary intervention, April 26, 2011
By Agustin (Salinas, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Alma Lopez and the other contributors have great courage and provide necessary insights. I find it important to remind others that respect is also about respecting those that disagree with us. As one lesbian writer says, "it is our virgen too."
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 10:21:22 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
And I find it important to remind you that the utmost respect is due to Our Lady who always works, loves, and prays for us! This great courage and these necessary insights are of no importance in comparison to the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, my savior!
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 2:17:39 AM PDT
Betty says:
I agree with you mom of odd boy's. So is there a need for such a title and front cover, or was it done intentionally, knowing that this book would get much publicity. If so, that's just as disgusting, offending the Mother of God and all for the mighty dollar!
22 of 36 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful work, extremely well-researched and written by some of the leading Chicana scholars and artists of the 21st century, April 26, 2011
By Allison Wyper - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Those who actually care about art and cultural criticism in the 21st century Americas will not be disappointed by this truly impressive and accessible scholarly work. The 10 essays contained within this gorgeous cover provide insightful perspectives on the politics on the ground in Santa Fe as well as contemporary Chicana spirituality and feminism. An excellent read for students of history, culture, politics, art, feminism, queer studies, and ethnography. I can't recommend this book (which I've actually read, thank you) enough.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 6:12:48 PM PDT
Mastercard says:
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 6:39:20 PM PDT
sofia Bastidas says: has deleted all of our negative reviews posted on this site. astonished at the low ethics of a site that manipulates customer reviews and hides the real opinions of its customers. My business with this company is over forever.
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 6:44:15 PM PDT
sofia Bastidas says:
Why did delete the 22+ negative reviews that were on this site last night???? has deleted all of our negative reviews posted on this site. I am astonished at the low ethics of this site which manipulates customer reviews by hiding (rather deleting) the real though negative opinions of its customers. My business with this company is over forever. This book and this site are both a disgrace along with its authors. So long
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 7:13:17 PM PDT
Xicana Arte says:
Perhaps those "reviews" were deleted because they had nothing to do with the book itself, since it is very clear that none of those "reviewers" have actually read the book, but rather reiterated the calls for censorship that created the need for this book in the first place. This book is a scholarly examination of the mass hysteria, threats of violence, and calls for censorship that arose in response to a work of art, exhibited in a MUSEUM (not a church).
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 9:45:04 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 26, 2011 9:48:02 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
If the cover is part of the book, which it is, then the reviews are indeed valid! The author wanted this cover, chose this cover, liked this "art". The cover is part of the book!
Catholics who love Our Lady and who are deeply offended and hurt by its' cover have the right to post their opinion about the entire blasted book even though they did not actually read the book. One can only imagine if the cover is in such poor taste what is to be expected of the views, opinions, essays contained within said book. Mostly anti-Catholic views is what can't help but be assumed.
Don't expect that faithful Catholics who love Our Lady would, for one hot second, have this book in their hands, let alone actually read the darned thing.
Still, the fact that this book seems to carry on about freedom of expression, freedom of speech, it is okay for this blasphemous book to be sold on Amazon but it isn't okay for offended Catholics to express their views because of the cover of said book? HUH? Makes no sense! So much for freedom of expression!
I also saw several of these reviews. There were 47+ of them. Now there seems to be only about 8 of them. Amazon...really! This is completely uncalled for!
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 9:54:28 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
Those who actually care about Our Lady will not really care quite as much about your art and cultural criticism in the 21st century. I certainly place the highest priority on my Blessed Our Lady de Guadalupe over this so called "impressive and accessible scholarly work". I can't recommend this book at all because of the immodest portrayal of Our Lady, which sadly you call "art".
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 11:17:29 PM PDT
Joan says:
With such a cover like this book has I would never read the book.
If the cover is any indication of what's in the book than the whole
book is trash. I always pay attention to the covers of the books I
read. If the cover strikes me as evil then I won't read it.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 12:05:08 AM PDT
Alicia Gaspar De Alba says:
It wasn't just the 40+ negative reviews that were mysteriously removed by Amazon. All of the first supportive reviews and comments, including my own, were also taken down, as they were all responding to the excoriating diatribe rather than focusing on the book. I think the Amazon folks saw through the censorship brigade's pitiful ploy to lambast the artist and spoil the ratings of the book, when all that ended up happening was getting more people interested in buying the book and reading about the controversy and the censorship issue for themselves. Thanks for all your help ANF minions!
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 12:21:59 AM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
Censorship huh? Your book is not censored at all! What is censored is the fact that many of these reviews and comments were about trying to defend Our Lady and the Catholic faith, yet they were removed! Maybe some of these were supportive, including yours but most that were deleted were the comments against this disrespectful cover which you admiringly chose for your book which I understand from another reviewer who did read the book and says it is more of a rant against the church. I believe it most likely is true that the book is highly Anti-Catholic based on the cover alone and also the contents within the book (again - most likely since I myself did not read it).
You want people to focus on the book but contradict yourself by choosing such an offensive cover that will be focused on much more so. How very interestingly strange that is since actions speak louder than words even if they are inside of a book.
I don't know what ANF stands for but I don't mind being a minion for standing up and defending Our Lady against such an immodest portrayel on the cover of your book!
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 9:24:56 AM PDT
1231tab says:
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 4:30:56 PM PDT
Joan says:
A big AMEN to this.
It is evil.
They will have to answer to God on judgement day.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 5:03:27 PM PDT
1231tab says:
Thank you Joan. You're right..My heart was sorrowful and I went right into prayer about this sacrilege. I don't think too many people will buy this book. It's too expensive, people need to fill their gas tanks before they buy this particular book and people know it will not help them spiritually or academically just by the cover. We are called to Spiritual works of Mercy...Admonish sinners, instruct the ignorant, cousel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, bears wrong patiently, forgive injuries, and pray for the living and the dead.
Posted on Jun 17, 2011 12:52:08 PM PDT
The Feminist Texican [Reads] says:
I cannot wait to read this. I put in a request for my library to purchase it (and they did), so now I'm just waiting for it to come in. I have a collection of Virgen art on my blog (including the cover of this book), and it's one of the most popular features. I love seeing the different interpretations (everything from queer art with the Virgen depicted as a drag queen to more traditional renditions). As a Chicana feminist, I find them very powerful. I LOVE the cover of this book!
26 of 53 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Dispicable!!!!!!!!!!!!, April 25, 2011
By Gayle Gdovin (No. Ft. Myers, FL United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I believe in free speech and expression but this goes way past decent discussion of different opinions. This is obscene. It is pornography of the highest order. I have been a customer of Amazon's for may years. This is the worst I have ever seen
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 2:12:47 PM PDT
Roberto Hernandez says:
notice the reviewer does not mention that she is referring only to the cover, and not the text, as it is clear the reviewer has not read this timely and important work by one of the leading Chicana authors of our time
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 6:54:19 PM PDT
sofia Bastidas says:
I guess sometimes you do get to judge the book by its cover.....Mister
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 10:17:29 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
The author chose the cover, she liked the art, the cover is part of the book!
Thus, the reviewer has a right to express via a review even if said book was not read simply because of the highly offensive cover of the book!
Oh and no work is more important than Our Blessed Lady and the work She did when she appeared to Juan Diego as La Virgen de Guadalupe! Our Lady has performed many miraculous works and continues her work, which is forever more important than your Chicana author, as our Lady will forever be our advocate and pray for us.
Yes, I am actually a chicana myself but I care more for Our Lady than these political issues and whatever is contained in said book.
16 of 30 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Hurtful to the Mother of God_April 27,2011, April 25, 2011
By Joan - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is one time I will judge a book by it's cover.
To show the Mother of God in porn garb is outrageous and a sacrilege.
It is NOT art.
Why did you remove all the other comments that were negative. There were
over 40 of them. Now there are only 8 comments. Amazon is being deceitful.
I will no longer be shopping at Amazon because of this, unless the book is
removed from your site. My trust in Amazon is gone.
May God have Mercy on your souls.
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Initial post: Apr 27, 2011 2:28:10 PM PDT
frank grimes says:
You shouldn't be allowed to review a book that you haven't read. And, based on your idiotic "review," you need this book more than anyone.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 4:26:23 PM PDT
Joan says:
Did you read the book?
I wouldn't buy this book based on the cover, it's porn IMO. I would hate to see the trash that's on the inside. I wouldn't even read it if it was given to me.
Name calling shouldn't be allowed here either.
I feel sorry for you.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 4:57:12 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2011 4:58:45 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
I keep saying this but I'll say it again;
The cover is part of this book and is highly offensive and disrespectful to Our Lady. Thus, all Catholics who are hurt and offended by this book do INDEED have the right to post a review about a book which wrongly and immodestly portrays Our Lady, regardless if read or not!
Don't insult our intelligence either. It is pretty obvious this book, both on the cover and within its' pages, is highly ANTI-Catholic.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 5:08:32 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
I found this on another website and I copy/paste here for you to read;
" Finally, Catholics protesting blasphemy do more than just preserve public morality. By protesting, they defend the honor of God and Our Lady. This task is a right, a duty, and a privilege. Even if protests were less effective, this defense alone would justify all the effort. Continuing in this struggle, protesters can be assured that God and the Blessed Mother will bless these efforts, and they can count on more victories and more strength to carry on the struggle to defend Christian civilization against an increasingly immoral and pagan world."
Just want to share this with you. Thank you for defending the Mother of God, La Virgen De Guadalupe!
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 5:32:49 PM PDT
sofia Bastidas says:
Joan can you recommend an alternative site to shop in place of As a result of this site carrying this offensive book, and then deleting all our protesting comments, I definitely won't be buying anything else from this site ever again. I need guidance on finding a like site to shop from. Thanks and God bless :)
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 6:34:06 PM PDT
Joan says:
Hi, sofia Bastidas
I went to the Barnes & Noble site which was recomended by a friend.
Their prices are about the same as Amazon + if you order $25 worth
or more it's free shipping just like Amazon.
I have already saved some books to get there. They also have DVD's
& other things
This is where I will be shopping from now on.
God Bless
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 6:44:18 PM PDT
Joan says:
mom of pdd, Hi
Thank you for posting this. It is right on.
We must defend our Mother as she defends us.
Stand by our faith and we will defeat the devil.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is so beautiful, why portray her as a slutt.
What a dishonor.
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us.
God Bless
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 2:50:19 PM PDT
claud says:
[Deleted by the author on Apr 28, 2011 2:51:40 PM PDT]
In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 2:56:18 PM PDT
claud says:∏=univ&choice=allproducts&query=our+lady+of+controversy&flag=False&pos=-1&box=our+lady+of+controversy&r=1&box=our%20lady%20of%20controversy&pos=-1&ugrp=2
As you can see by the link, barns and noble along with any other decent bookstore will be selling this and many other books that not everyone necessarily agrees with. I recommend you shop only at religious bookstores seeing how any other place based on you logic is not worthy of your business.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 8:10:43 PM PDT
Joan says:
I didn't even think of searching for this @ Barnes & Noble.
There are no book stores in my small town.
I don't think Ignatius Press sells mystery books. I would like to complete my collection by certian authors.
I just may have to use the library.
I still won't buy from Amazon though. Not the way they deleted so many comments. I & many others had
signed a petition for Amazon to remove this book. We all received a NASTY email from Amazon in reply to
us sending that petition. I no longer trust Amazon.
Thanx for the link,
35 of 64 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Very inadequate and offensive, April 25, 2011
By leroi - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Its very unfortunate that people such as Alma Lopez can stand on a pulpit and spew out vernom about the Most Holy Mother of God and get away with it. Her facts are void of solid research and Truth. I truely hope uninformed minds who read this book don't get robbed off the opportunity of having a wonderful relationship with our mother the second Eve, who said yes in obedience to God, setting in motion our salvation. This unfortunate author is empty of peace and grace, as evident in her bitter writing. We most pray for her and others who share her point of view. You can never call a cat a dog as truth dictates, same as you can never make the argument of finding fault with the Mother of God, so pure as to be called Full of Grace by God's Angel Gabriel. Shame on her and Amazon for being incohort with such evil.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 2:15:32 PM PDT
Roberto Hernandez says:
referring only to the cover, and not the text, as it is clear the reviewer has not read this timely and important work by one of the leading Chicana authors of our time
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 6:39:57 PM PDT
Marianela Jaquez says:
With all do respect. A picture says a thousand words such as in this case why would anyone who loves and respects the mother of the most high God depict her in such a vile and pornographic manner. We can not judge the Author's heart God will do thatbon her judgment day, but we who do love and respect the mother of the most high God must defende her. May God forgive us. This is a complete blasphemy against the mother of God.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 7:29:41 PM PDT
Xicana Arte says:
This is very obviously not a book review since that would require reading the book, which examines the controversies (such as this one) that erupt around the art of Alma Lopez, which too often result in threats of violence and personal attacks and defamation directed against the artist, the curators and museums that exhibit her work. It also points to the contradictions, and at times, hypocrisies that mark the views of those who are most invested in silencing Lopez's artistic vision.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 7:37:38 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 26, 2011 7:40:05 PM PDT
Joan says:
This is one time I will judge a book by it's cover.
It's a porn picture of the Mother of God.
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Posted on Apr 26, 2011 10:07:52 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
Xicana, it is indeed a book review based on the cover and with every right even if not read!
Besides, you can tell what is in the blasphemous book by what the others are saying who did peek inside the book. The cover says it all in this case. One can only imagine what views and essays come from an author who would choose such a sad and disrespectful art/image of Our Lady for the cover of her book.
Catholics who love Her have a right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression too, you know. I guess you and Amazon don't really think so since the reviews have gone from 47+ to only 8 at the time of writing this comment.
24 of 51 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars FAIL, April 25, 2011
By pajjjor - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
BORING BOOK. It's more of a rant against the church then actually showing something productive. I'm open to dialogue, not this crap though.
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Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 2:14:58 PM PDT
Roberto Hernandez says:
referring only to the cover, and not the text, as it is clear the reviewer has not read this timely and important work by one of the leading Chicana authors of our time
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 3:57:44 PM PDT
pelteaux says:
Did you not read the post? They said the book was boring. They didn't mention the cover.
1 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Discusting and Repugnant, April 25, 2011
By 1231tab - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Discusting and Repugnant Book!! This is a piece of garbage and will not do your intellect any favors. A book that will stimulate your senses/emotions is Full of Grace, Encountering Mary in Faith Art and Life. The author is Judith Dupre.
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Some of the reviews and comments I was able to save on Tuesday, April 26 before they were deleted by Amazon.
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars
Hurtful to the Mother of God_April 27,2011, April 25, 2011
By Joan - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This is one time I will judge a book by it's cover.
To show the Mother of God in porn garb is outrageous and a sacrilege.
It is NOT art.
Why did you remove all the other comments that were negative. There were
over 40 of them. Now there are only 8 comments. Amazon is being deceitful.
I will no longer be shopping at Amazon because of this, unless the book is
removed from your site. My trust in Amazon is gone.
May God have Mercy on your souls.
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Showing 1-10 of 14 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Apr 27, 2011 2:28:10 PM PDT
frank grimes says:
You shouldn't be allowed to review a book that you haven't read. And, based on your idiotic "review," you need this book more than anyone.
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 4:26:23 PM PDT
Joan says:
Did you read the book?
I wouldn't buy this book based on the cover, it's porn IMO. I would hate to see the trash that's on the inside. I wouldn't even read it if it was given to me.
Name calling shouldn't be allowed here either.
I feel sorry for you.
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2 of 8 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you?
Posted on Apr 27, 2011 4:57:12 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2011 4:58:45 PM PDT
Maribell Borcherding says:
I keep saying this but I'll say it again;
The cover is part of this book and is highly offensive and disrespectful to Our Lady. Thus, all Catholics who are hurt and offended by this book do INDEED have the right to post a review about a book which wrongly and immodestly portrays Our Lady, regardless if read or not!
Don't insult our intelligence either. It is pretty obvious this book, both on the cover and within its' pages, is highly ANTI-Catholic.
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 5:08:32 PM PDT
Maribell Borcherding says:
I found this on another website and I copy/paste here for you to read;
" Finally, Catholics protesting blasphemy do more than just preserve public morality. By protesting, they defend the honor of God and Our Lady. This task is a right, a duty, and a privilege. Even if protests were less effective, this defense alone would justify all the effort. Continuing in this struggle, protesters can be assured that God and the Blessed Mother will bless these efforts, and they can count on more victories and more strength to carry on the struggle to defend Christian civilization against an increasingly immoral and pagan world."
Just want to share this with you. Thank you for defending the Mother of God, La Virgen De Guadalupe!
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Posted on Apr 27, 2011 5:32:49 PM PDT
sofia Bastidas says:
Joan can you recommend an alternative site to shop in place of As a result of this site carrying this offensive book, and then deleting all our protesting comments, I definitely won't be buying anything else from this site ever again. I need guidance on finding a like site to shop from. Thanks and God bless :)
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 6:34:06 PM PDT
Joan says:
Hi, sofia Bastidas
I went to the Barnes & Noble site which was recomended by a friend.
Their prices are about the same as Amazon + if you order $25 worth
or more it's free shipping just like Amazon.
I have already saved some books to get there. They also have DVD's
& other things
This is where I will be shopping from now on.
God Bless
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2011 6:44:18 PM PDT
Joan says:
mom of pdd, Hi
Thank you for posting this. It is right on.
We must defend our Mother as she defends us.
Stand by our faith and we will defeat the devil.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is so beautiful, why portray her as a slutt.
What a dishonor.
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us.
God Bless
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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 2:50:19 PM PDT
claud says:
[Deleted by the author on Apr 28, 2011 2:51:40 PM PDT]
In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 2:56:18 PM PDT
claud says:∏=univ&choice=allproducts&query=our+lady+of+controversy&flag=False&pos=-1&box=our+lady+of+controversy&r=1&box=our%20lady%20of%20controversy&pos=-1&ugrp=2
As you can see by the link, barns and noble along with any other decent bookstore will be selling this and many other books that not everyone necessarily agrees with. I recommend you shop only at religious bookstores seeing how any other place based on you logic is not worthy of your business.
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2 of 4 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you?
In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 8:10:43 PM PDT
Joan says:
I didn't even think of searching for this @ Barnes & Noble.
There are no book stores in my small town.
I don't think Ignatius Press sells mystery books. I would like to complete my collection by certian authors.
I just may have to use the library.
I still won't buy from Amazon though. Not the way they deleted so many comments. I & many others had
signed a petition for Amazon to remove this book. We all received a NASTY email from Amazon in reply to
us sending that petition. I no longer trust Amazon.
Thanx for the link,
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Posted on May 17, 2011 2:29:58 PM PDT
Debi Leahy says:
Based on the sacrilegious cover alone I would not buy this book and will join Joan in not buying from Amazon until the book is removed from it's web site!
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Posted on May 23, 2011 11:47:05 AM PDT
Joseph T. Warren Jr. says:
It is not porn. I see no breasts or a vagina.
Anyways, Our blessed virgin mother would not condemn the contents of the book. I really doubt she would condemn the cover as well. I just hate when self righteous catholics over react. I agree those that over react are the ones that need to read it the most.
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In reply to an earlier post on Jun 17, 2011 4:22:43 AM PDT
Antonio CB says:
What is your problem? If this was a book with a cover that deemed jews, protestant, hindus, etc, and their religions many people would protest, but because it is a blaphesmous cover of Our Lady, a Catholic image it is ok to smear it with a very disrespectful image of the Mother of God, no? Get real!
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In reply to an earlier post on Jun 17, 2011 4:37:47 AM PDT
Antonio CB says:
No, we don't need to read this book, written by a lesbian... Maybe it is not porn for some but it is a blasphemous image o the Mother of Jesus. And how are you so sure that Our Lady would not condemn this book because of its cover? Someone who says such a thing is not a true catholic or even a good catholic. It is a shame that Amazon is selling this kind of junk, but money is money, that what it is real important after all, no matter what you have to sell to get it. I believe that if some laws were not implemented, some would sell their own mother to get money. As for the author, I think only people like her will read such book.
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars
This book is blasphemous and highly offensive!, April 26, 2011
By Maria - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This book is a disgrace and great sadness. The author is obviously very blinded by the devil to put such garbage in print and to so blantantly blaspheme the Most Holy Mother of God. I am very disappointed in Amazon for allowing such offensive trash on their otherwise decent web site and it simply cannot be removed soon enough. Amazon would never sell a similar book about Mohammed's wife or daughter, why do they allow material that is painfully offensive to all the Catholics in the world. There is nothing good about this book.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 10:15:00 PM PDT
Joan says:
You are so right. I can imagine how hurtful this is to Mary the Mother of God.
I wonder what happened to the 40 + comments that were here yesterday.
I have shopped a lot at Amazon but will do so no longer if this book isn't
removed. The cover alone say's it all much less what it says on the pages
of the book. The devil is working overtime these days.
Posted on Apr 26, 2011 10:26:34 PM PDT
mom of pdd boy says:
I couldn't agree with you more, Joan. I saw those 47+ reviews as well. This book, from the impression that I get, seems to talk a lot about freedoms and politics. Well, so much for the freedom of expression for those Catholics who are deeply hurt and offended by this tasteless and immodest "art" on the cover of the book!
1.0 out of 5 stars
Book Contributor biased review Picked Apart, April 26, 2011
By mom of pdd boy - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
A review by D.Gonzales who is a contributor to the book which I would like to comment on here.
Let me respectfully pick apart what you have written in your review.
First, I will disclose; No, I have not read the book nor will I ever. Yes, I do love Our Lady very much and due to the disrespectful image/cover I am obliged to stay away from the book. Second, you may say my comments are biased but please recognize that your comments are biased as well.
Here goes;
D. Gonzales- I am a contributor to this volume and one of the co-editors of the series in which it appears.
- - So, this establishes your own bias.
D.G - Readers and reviewers might want to look closely at what Chicana Matters Series with UT Press has accomplished, as the only and first series ever to publish volumes on Chicanas specifically.
- - Could this have been done without such disrespect toward Our Lady and to the many Catholics who love her? Of course it could have!
D.G -The works are well written, selling to many classrooms around the country, and peer reviewed at the highest levels.
- - sigh...That is not such a good thing as you most likely think it is. Why shove these silly opinions and ideas down the throats of others. These opinions are not pro-Catholic but most likely quite anti-Catholic. You insist on degrading the religion and pushing your views onto others. Very sad.
D.G.-The Series, but also any serious academic publisher, would never publish anything seeking to defame, injure, or harm any religious devotee; it is strange that the detractors on Amazon proposing reviews seem not to have read the book, but are angered by its cover.
- - Oh but the series does exactly that; " to defame, injure, or harm any religious devotee". Why is it strange? What is strange is that you would want those who dearly love Our Lady to hold and open a book that has this awful and disrespectful cover/image of Her on it!
D.G- Images of Chicana bodies (versus the nearly naked body and corpse of such important men/figures as Jesus, for example?) still engender in the 21st Century such deep hatred and fear.
- -You twist this to suit your own opinions and views! I am a chicana and I am pretty certain I have never known anyone who has this deep hatred and fear of images of Chicana bodies of which you speak! The nearly naked body of Jesus is how he was crucified. Why should it be depicted any different? Otherwise, both men and women should always keep modesty as a priority in their lives, period. Not just one or the other gender.
D.G- Why? The origins of this fear are the first thing that we teach our students.
- - I simply do not understand where this comes from. I have never seen this fear that you speak of. Fear of a chicana body and image? What is this silliness of which you speak?
D.G. - Remember when Jesus was depicted in our catechism books as blond and white (we know as adults of course that it was unlikely he was blond or even very white skinned)? Remember when all the biblical figures had blue eyes (they did not)?
- - Point taken but what does that have to do with depicting Our Lady showing her body with roses covering her chest and hips/groin area? It simply is uncalled for disrespect!
D.G. - This sort of historical amnesia, as well as the one that would make female saints appear submissive and contrite, are what works such as this attempt to correct.
- - Works such as this are not very familiar with the saints either. The saints stories are all very different. Many saints struggled before their love and service to God were perfected. They were not so submissive and contrite as you say and Catholics do not really depict them this way and neither do the stories. These saints, very often, had a lot of fire and fiestiness in them which is opposite of the submissiveness or contrite image you mention.
D.G. -The disrespectful, mean-spirited comments on Amazon, and the actual threats advanced by some of the reviewers lend new meaning to that word, crusade (or, jihad?)
- - Excuse me, but what did you expect? Don't exaggerate (new meaning to the word crusade or jihad) or do you not know the extent of the jihad? People are rightfully offended! They are hurt by such disrespectful images of Our Lady. She does not deserve to be depicted this way as she loves, watches over, and prays for us always! People know this and are hurt! You have to understand that Catholics will defend Her furiously!
D.G.- Educators such as those who wrote these essays instead seek to advance understanding;
- - I don't believe it is to advance understanding but to impose and force their erroneous views onto students as much as they can!
D.G.- judging a book by its cover (artistic representation) or an artist's soul (as the reviewers attempt to do by calling her blasphemous and all the rest) simply indicate how far we have to go in our jobs of educating audiences, especially the easily offended who perpetuate the idea that only their way of depicting the Virgen de Guadalupe is correct.
- - There IS ABSOLUTELY only ONE way to depict The Virgen de Guadalupe and is isn't your way!
D.G.- Our students learn that there is no correct way; their are traditional ways, but once upon a time the tradition was blond/blue eyes.
- - ahem...twisting things around again. Sorry but there simply is a right and a wrong way and this book would be a perfect example of the wrong way!
D.G.- We are beyond that. Debating the content of the work, essays, and artistry is one thing, but casting such un-Christian hatred upon the artist seems actually quite against the tradition of freedom of expression, free speech, and artistic license.
- - We are never beyond defending Our Lady! This freedom, free speech, artistic license goes too far! Why must Our Lady be shown in such an immodest way? It is, as I said before, completely uncalled for!
D.G.- If you don't like this representation of the Virgen, please don't go to any major museum with its changing images of many versions of female saints.
- You can count on that!
D.G.- Confusing art with religion is also a poor exercise because religion can always call anyone with whom it disagrees a heretic;
- - The issue is that the so called "art" is depicting a religious figure in a highly disrepectful manner. Surely that can't be too difficult for you to understand? Thus this "art" becomes blasphemous and yes, sadly the artist is quite the heretic. I'm very sad for the artist because this is not necessary.
D.G -education seeks to investigate how these labels matter, and how human beings have changed (or not!).
- - Must it be via a blasephemous image of Our Lady? I think not!
Let me also add, as long as this is to be a very honest reply:
The art is really not that good. The face looks awful. I'm pretty certain that few chicanas, hispanics, and women in general do not look like that. The body is not a very good drawing of the female body. sigh Honestly, the painting, image, whatever you call it, is just childish looking. I'm sorry but it isn't just that the art shows Our Lady in an immodest way (albeit that is the main issue) but really - it is plain ugly. That is the truth and I'm willing to bet a lot of people both Catholics and non-Catholics would agree that it is actually ugly.
This ugly "art" image is offensive to Our Lady and all Catholics who lover Her dearly.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Our Lady of Controversy, April 26, 2011
By Kenenth Lynch - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Take this piece of garbage off of Amazon or I won't buy from Amazon again!! What a discusting and repugnant book.
1.0 out of 5 stars
How sad, April 26, 2011
By meandmyguys - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
To Whom It May Concern at Amazon:
Do you not have a clue as to how offensive the cover alone of this book is? There have been deadly riots over much lesser offenses to other religious groups. I guess because Catholics prefer not to threaten or endanger lives, that you figure the risk of offending is worth the money you'll make. Nice lack of scruples. Whether it makes a difference to you or not, I personally will not be spending another dime with your company, and I know plenty who plan on joining me.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Disgusting!!!, April 26, 2011
By RN - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I am shocked to see this on Amazon. I have bought many lovely books from Amazon, but will have to discontinue buying them if Amazon doesn't respect the sentiments of its customers.
How can you support such filth?
1.0 out of 5 stars
Controversial is not Beautiful., April 26, 2011
By A. Aversa - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This book is at least as blasphemous as if there were a book whose cover portrayed Kurt Westergaard's caricature of Mohammad wearing a bomb-turban. This book may even be worse. It tries to be controversial for the sake of controversy because apparently controversy, not beauty, is the modern artist's ideal.
Alma López's definition of art also does not agree with the time-tested consensus among Catholic intellectuals and doctors of the Church like St. Thomas Aquinas or, more recently, Jacques Maritain, who wrote two really good books on art described in this section of Fr. McCool's book on the development of Catholic philosophy in the 20th century (see links in last ¶ for Maritain's books):
The Virtues of Prudence and Art
"Kant and St. Thomas, as we have seen, agreed that the order of ends is real. Therefore, since universals as such cannot be real, the practical knowledge that directs an actual tendency toward its real goal, has to be knowledge of a concrete singular. Practical knowledge is an activity of the human intelligence. Nevertheless it is knowledge of a very different kind from the abstract conceptual knowledge employed by the speculative intellect in the sciences.
"Furthermore, good judgment in moral matters and artistic genius are not universal characteristics of the human mind. Unlike Descartes' "good sense," they are not found equally in every man. Knowledge of the singular -- affected by individual aptitude, character, experience, and education -- moral good judgment and artistic genius are forms of non-conceptual knowledge. They are knowledge of the type that Pascal attributed to his esprit de finesse and St. Thomas assigned to knowledge through connaturality.
"Good judgment in moral matters and artistic genius are also stable characteristics, qualities their owner possesses habitually. Thus the moral man and the artist can judge with consistent correctness by the "feel" of their habitual inclinations. Because moral and aesthetic connaturality is habitual, St. Thomas' metaphysics of the habits can account for the consistent correctness of practical knowledge in the moral and aesthetic realms. Two specifically distinct habits, prudence and art, are required to guarantee the consistent correctness of moral and artistic knowledge. Prudence enables the practical intellect consistently to direct man's moral activity toward the proper good of the agent himself, the perfection of his human nature. Art enables the artist habitually to direct his activity of making toward "the good of the work" to be made. This means that the rules of good artistic production are determined exclusively by the intelligible form of the work itself. Art is not prudence, and since their goals are essentially different, the activities directed by each of these virtues are specifically distinct.
"It follows then that good art cannot be identified with good morality. Neither the nature nor the specific excellence of art can be appreciated properly if, as sometimes happens among Christians, the virtues of art and prudence and the goals of the activities directed by them are confused. Artistic genius and moral virtue might interact with one another in the concrete subject with good or evil consequences. Nevertheless, in the interest of truth and authentic Christian humanism, the realms of art and morality must be clearly distinguished. Otherwise art cannot be integrated with morality coherently in a Christian philosophy of art and culture.
"The distinction between practical and theoretical knowledge enables Maritain to distinguish the concrete practical knowledge of art and prudence from the abstract knowledge of the sciences. Together with the role assigned to connatural knowledge in the moral and religious spheres, this distinction plays an important part in Maritain's moral philosophy and in his treatment of supernatural wisdom in The Degrees of Knowledge. In Art and Scholasticism and in Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry Maritain extended St. Thomas' metaphysics of connaturality from the moral sphere in which St. Thomas had employed it to the entire realm of aesthetic knowledge. This is one of Maritain's most original contributions to Neo-Scholastic philosophy and perhaps his greatest and most lasting one."
Also, "Whether the intellectual habit, art, is a virtue?" is a question St. Thomas addresses in his [ASIN:[[ASIN:0870610635 SUMMA THEOLOGICA]: The intellectual virtues (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 57 a. 3).
For a sense of how insulting López's book is to Catholics, and for why must remove this book from their inventory, read this prayer from the Raccolta that Catholics pray in reparation for the blasphemies uttered against the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God:
Most glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, turn thine eyes in pity upon us, miserable sinners; we are sore afflicted by the many evils that surround us in this life, but especially do we feel our hearts break within us upon hearing the dreadful insults and blasphemies uttered against thee, O Virgin Immaculate. O how these impious sayings offend the infinite Majesty of God and of His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ! How they provoke His indignation and give us cause to fear the terrible effects of His vengeance! Would that the sacrifice of our lives might avail to put an end to such outrages and blasphemies; were it so, how gladly we should make it, for we desire, O most holy Mother, to love thee and to honor thee with all our hearts, since this is the will of God. And just because we love thee, we will do all that is in our power to make thee honored and loved by all men. In the meantime do thou, our merciful Mother, the supreme comforter of the afflicted, accept this our act of reparation which we offer thee for ourselves and for all our families, as well as for all who impiously blaspheme thee, not knowing what they say. Do thou obtain for them from Almighty God the grace of conversion, and thus render more manifest and more glorious thy kindness, thy power and thy great mercy. May they join with us in proclaiming thee blessed among women, the Immaculate Virgin and most compassionate Mother of God.
{The "Hail Mary" prayer is then said three times:}
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Here is another act of reparation for insults uttered against Blessed Virgin Mary:
O blessed Virgin, Mother of God, look down in mercy from Heaven, where thou art enthroned as Queen, upon me, a miserable sinner, thine unworthy servant. Although I know full well my own unworthiness, yet in order to atone for the offenses that are done to thee by impious and blasphemous tongues, from the depths of my heart I praise and extol thee as the purest, the fairest, the holiest creature of all God's handiwork. I bless thy holy Name, I praise thine exalted privilege of being truly Mother of God, ever Virgin, conceived without stain of sin, Co-Redemptrix of the human race. I bless the Eternal Father who chose thee in an especial way for His daughter; I bless the Word Incarnate who took upon Himself our nature in thy bosom and so made thee His Mother; I bless the Holy Spirit who took thee as His bride. All honor, praise and thanksgiving to the ever-blessed Trinity who predestined thee and loved thee so exceedingly from all eternity as to exalt thee above all creatures to the most sublime heights. O Virgin, holy and merciful, obtain for all who offend thee the grace of repentance, and graciously accept this poor act of homage from me thy servant, obtaining likewise for me from thy Divine Son the pardon and remission of all my sins. Amen.
1.0 out of 5 stars
unfortunate offering, April 26, 2011
By momof7 "sejjm" - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I'm sorry to see something like this published let alone available here on Amazon. Until it is removed we will not be purchasing anything from this resource. In the last 14 years we have purchased much in the way of books,toys, electronics,cloths,etc. I'm very disappointed and hope executives at Amazon will recognize the gravity of carrying these kinds of books. I will be watching for the removal of this book from your offerings.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Unbelievable, April 25, 2011
By Geri - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Wow! What makes people write such disgusting books. Shame on you Alma Lopez for using our Blessed Mother for your financial gain. You are a sad, sad woman. As an avid Amazon customer I am very disappointed that they would sell this book. Amazon, do you realize how many Catholics purchase your items on a daily basis. Until this book is off your list I intend to use another company. I will make sure that I email all my friends and family and let them know Amazon is not the company they should buy from at this time. God's Mother is worth defending.
1.0 out of 5 stars
I will be Purchasing Elsewhere Until this Book is Removed., April 25, 2011
By TC "Catholic Mom" (La Mirada, CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
How timely that I've been alerted that this book is being sold on Amazon. I planned on buying a large amount of books for my children to read tomorrow. Amazon was one of the major sites I planned on shopping from. Not anymore. Let me know when you decide to remove this book from your website. Until then, my family and I will be patronizing other businesses.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Amazon should be ashamed!!!, April 25, 2011
By M. E. Reilly "bookaholic" (Blue Island, IL USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I would not even give this book ONE star, except that it is required to write a review. It is disgraceful, anti-Catholic, and anti-Christian. If Amazon offered a book that showed something similar against Muslims, there would be a highly publicized world outcry. I am very seriously considering severing my buying relationship with Amazon; and I have been a very good customer, buying many books, etc. every year, for quite a long time.
Initial post: Apr 26, 2011 12:21:32 PM PDT
Pablo M. Martinez says:
How are you qualified to write a meaningful, credible review? Have you actually *read* the book? Or are you simply regurgitating misinformation that was fed to you by other non-readers? Qué Dios lo bendiga.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Our Lady of Controversy, April 25, 2011
By Angela Odom "Angela Odom" (Fayetteville, NC United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This book is a Catholic nightmare. We value all life, and RESPECT for the Mother of GOD is our way to RESPECT the SON OF GOD. Would the average person bad mouth their own mother? Do people celebrate MOTHER's Day? Then way would the author, & the publishers blasphemy Jesus by degrading the Mother of Jesus/GOD! I will not buy from until the book is gone from their site. Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters)
1.0 out of 5 stars
For the Love of God Please Remove This From Your Site, April 25, 2011
By biotdgba - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
It is with the utmost sorrow that I beg of thee to remove this book from thy sells! Our Lady is the most pure Virgin and thia is very offensive to her. She is our mother in Heaven and wishes only that we Love Our Lord Jesus Christ as He wills, so when we die we can join her in Heaven where all will be filled with peace and true joy! Do not offend her with such hate! For the Love of God please remove this book from your site! May God have mercy on the writer and give him/her the grace of conversion so that he may go to Heaven also! Our Lady of Mercy please pray for us sinners! Amen!
1.0 out of 5 stars
Offensive Book, April 25, 2011
By silver chic (Kyle, Tx) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I am really dissapointed in Amazon, so much money you guys make. You should carefully choose the items that you sell. What's it gonna cost you to loose a dollar on selling despicable material such as this. You acutually condone this material by making the money for yourselves and for the person that has put this book on the market. Shame on you all. Be the bigger company and remove this from your website. As a Roman Catholic this is truly offensive. I will think twice about making purchases from you all as I'm sure many others will.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Alma Lopez needs some prayers..., April 25, 2011
By marive - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Pay attention to your customers,the ones who buy from you..I personally bought children CDs from you and business books!Thanks for trying to be nice to the author by selling her clearance merchandise ,but watch out for the customers who actually spend money at your site and feel disrespected.In the meantime we will pray for her to realize that scandal sells ,but prayers save.
Just to see that image of "Our Lady" on the cover is disrespectful to a portion of customers who are Catholic believers and of really bad taste...what is the need for you to earn around a dollar per book...let's say,if she manages to sell some to her friends?
1.0 out of 5 stars
I did not believe it was so!, April 25, 2011
By DD - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I received an email that Amazon was selling this book...before sending the email to others, I decided to go to to see for myself. I am such a loyal customer. I am very disappointed at your decision to sell this book on your site. Blasphemy! Please take this off of your site out of respect for our love for the Blessed Mother.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Terrible and Inconsiderate, April 25, 2011
By Di G. "Di G." (Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
With all of the political correctness in today's American society, why are the Catholics and their faith still fair game when the other faiths are off limits? I don't want anyone to demean or attack any faith. How disappointed I was to see this book offered on your website. I won't look at in the same way again after seeing this offensive book offered on your website. Shame on the author for doing something so disgusting and offensive. Well, I'm sure the author was looking to create controversy. They got that by offending millions. Shame!
1.0 out of 5 stars
Offensive and Blasphemous, April 25, 2011
By CatholicCustomer - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I am appalled that would even carry such an offensive book. This book is blasphemous and highly offensive to Catholics, especially to Mexican-Americans who dearly love Our Lady of Guadalupe.
It would be much appreciated if you would respect our religious and ethnic sensitivities and STOP offering this book on your website.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Amazon has no balls!, April 25, 2011
By catherine - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
If this was a book about Mohammed's mother Amazon would cease to exist. In fact I believe that Amazon would not dare sell such a book because you know what would happen. The muslems out there would not tolerate it for a second, and you know it. Its ok to trash Our Blessed Mother- the Catholics and Christians wont mind- right? Well you're dead wrong. I want this garbage off this site- NOW!!
There has to be a rule that all religions are respected by Amazon- ALL religions- ALWAYS!
I am watching to see when the garbage is removed and until then I wont be a customer, no one I know will buy from you either.
I encourage all Christians out there to protest this site until this issue is resolved. Christians,enough is enough, its time to rise up and speak out!
Initial post: Apr 25, 2011 11:32:30 PM PDT
Cat says:
I am a frequent customer of Amazon. I am appalled at the discretion of what and how Amazon picks their suppliers. I have not read this book, and I don't have to. Just the cover of the book is a disgrace, a mortification of the belief system of any true Catholic. It defiles the very existence of the teachings we grew up to know and love. I am very disappointed that Amazon has chosen to carry this disrespectful depiction of the Virgin Mary. It's like seeing my own mother in the same light.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Shame, Shame!!!!, April 25, 2011
By momtothree (Michigan) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Amazaon should be ashamed of such as this book. It's one thing to write about it. It's completely wrong to show Our Lady as this on the cover. I'm also going to start looking at whether or not you have any titles against other religions that are so disregarding the human person especially one as the Mother of God.
Pablo M. Martinez says:
To whom does it matter, Bil Kimes? To me and to many Chicanas and Chicanos. Alma López's work is *not* portrays Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe as a clear, direct reflection of the artist's self. And isn't that what Catholic doctrine teaches, that we are made in the image and likeness of God -- all of us, not only those who believe as you do! Qué Dios los bendiga.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Chicana matters to who? Who do represent?, April 25, 2011
By Bil Kimes "elder" (Houston, Texas) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Do you think Amazon would carry a similar book about Mohammed's wife or daughter?
Of course, they would not
If Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center wrote an account of his misadventures to burn the Quran publicly on September 11, 2010 would Amazon carry it?
would the University of Texas Press publish it?
Of course, they would not
We need to ask why then is Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mother of God, blasphemed? And this is considered acceptable by the blasphemeous, liberal homosexual author and the homosexual communities at UCLA and University of Texas Press (publisher)
Please sign an urgent petition to, asking them to please remove this blasphemous book called Our Lady of Controversy: Alma Lopez's Irreverent Apparition.
The author supposes herself to be a representative of the "Chicana" culture and shows violent disrepect for the people she presumes to represent. She no more represents Chicana than Christopher Hitchens represents the Roman Catholic Church or obama represents America!
1.0 out of 5 stars
Awful book, April 25, 2011
By Mayra Aversa "MasLibertad" (Arizona) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I find it repugnant that Amazon carries this book. It is a direct attack against a group, Catholics. And it is also a hate book against women.
1.0 out of 5 stars
By Rolando Figueroa A. "RFA" - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I am totally disgusted and uncomfortable with this trashy book. I am a practicing Roman Catholic and it is a shame and pitty that AMAZON is selling this TRASH!!! Please take this trash off your website and reconsider selling any books from the 2 mexican americans who wrote the trash. May God father forgive both women ! And I am not giving a one-star for this trash, it is CERO!!!
1.0 out of 5 stars
I am thoroughly surprised and disgusted that this book is sold on Amazon., April 25, 2011
By Finola "Irish Girl" (Oklahoma) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
I am a Roman Catholic that is appalled that this disgusting, blasphemous book is sold on I have been a long time loyal customer of but refuse to buy another thing until this book disrespecting my religion is removed.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Jesus Save Us!, April 25, 2011
By Rey Sepulveda - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
It is obvious Amazon is not worried about losing sales. Maybe because Cathalocism is not the faith that owns vast fields of pertoleum by which the entire world bows and kneels to, current sorry president included. I am proud to be Catholic and I am so disgusted that corporate America continues to sell and make products which not only may be suggestively blausphomous but also directly and obviously blausphomous. I mean come on, this is the Holy Mother of God, and our heavenly mother as well. I am so tired of seeing the hypocrosy from people who complain about the Holy Catholic Church, while on the same breath enjoy the many services and benefits that have come out of the Holy Church over the last 2000 years. This book needs to be removed immediately and Amazon should do a public apology to the 60 plus million Catholics in this country. Not to mention to all the loyal Catholic customers who have helped make Amozon to what it is today.
We Catholics need to remember that the Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday at the cost to your Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 18 billion dollars. Your graduates go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%, all at a cost to you. To the rest of the Americans it's free.
The Church has 230 colleges and universities in the U.S. with an enrollment of 700,000 students. The Catholic Church has a non-profit hospital system of 637 hospitals, which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people - not just Catholics - in the United States today.
But the press is vindictive and trying to totally denigrate in every way the Catholic Church in this country. They have blames the disease of pedophilia on the Catholic Church, which is as irresponsible as blaming adultery on the institution of marriage. Let me give you some figures that
you as Catholics should know and remember. For example, 12% of the 300 Protestant clergy surveyed admitted to sexual intercourse with a parishioner; 38% acknowledged other inappropriate sexual contact in a study by the United Methodist Church, 41.8 % of clergywomen reported unwanted sexual behavior; 17% of laywomen have been sexually harassed. Meanwhile, 1.7% of the Catholic clergy has been found guilty of pedophilia. 10% of the Protestant ministers have been found
guilty of pedophilia. This is not a Catholic Problem. This is a problem though of a society who have become Godless. Jesus Save Us.
1.0 out of 5 stars
Can't give it ZERO stars, April 25, 2011
By callygirl - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
Books like this not only are degrading to the Catholic Church, but to all people in general. Unless we rise up above this and use our voice and our money to do so, atrocities such as this will continue to demean the value of all humanity.
Won't be making any purchases from Amazon until this book and others like it are removed from their catalog. Let's begin with having some common decency.
1.0 out of 5 stars
disgusting..., April 25, 2011
By sofia Bastidas (North Middletown, NJ, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
All I'm going to say is that I won't be buying anymore from for carrying this offending book against Catholic people. I am Catholic and I don't patronize any company that supports the spread of disrespectful material about my religion as this "book" obviously is. If believes it is ok to promote, carry, and distribute this type of offending material, I have no more business to do with them.
1.0 out of 5 stars
trash, April 25, 2011
By kathym "kathym" (United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
This book is complete trash and disrespectful to Catholics. You don't have to be Catholic to find this disrespectful. Amazon should remove this book.
1.0 out of 5 stars
An Anti-Catholic Book, April 25, 2011
By Patricia Cornell (SAINT LOUIS, MO, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Our Lady of Controversy: Alma López's "Irreverent Apparition" (Chicana Matters) (Paperback)
How horible and sad and odd that Amazon carry this book. It is an afront to the Catholic religion. I doubt if you plan to have a similar book in poor taste making fun of the Protestant or Jewish Faith.
This book is bullying of the worst kind....because you chose to make the Blessed Virgin Mary look silly and you yourselves end up looking silly because you have not courteous manners, manners just normally reserved for people who influence other people. Did you plan a book about Dr. Martin Luther King that makes him look silly? Again, then you would look silly.
If you continue to carry this book, I will tell my friends and we will find another resource. in the same way that AARP is making people pretty irritated, you are doing the same thing to Catholics. I hope to receive a reply to my review. Other companies carry books and we now who they are! Patricia in St. Louis, MO
Initial post: Apr 25, 2011 8:28:42 PM PDT
biotdgba says:
It is with the utmost sorrow that I beg of thee to remove this book from thy sells! Our Lady is the most pure Virgin and thia is very offensive to her. She is our mother in Heaven and wishes only that we Love Our Lord Jesus Christ as He wills, so when we die we can join her in Heaven where all will be filled with peace and true joy! Do not offend her with such hate! For the Love of God please remove this book from your site! May God have mercy on the writer and give him/her the grace of conversion so that he may go to Heaven also! Our Lady of Mercy please pray for us sinners! Amen!
Posted on Apr 26, 2011 1:33:14 AM PDT
Last edited by the author 11 hours ago
Happy Wahine says:
Amazon, why do you need a book such as this?! I always thought of Amazon with class and this is so far beneath you. I hope you hear the voices your many customers and remove this filth. There are some things that one should respect no matter what faith you belong to. One of them is Our Lady....for one thing she's a mother....who would want their mother displayed like that. And of course, she is our Lord's mother whom He gave to us. You really need to remove this despicable inventory from your site or lose customers.
Posted on Apr 26, 2011 12:10:59 PM PDT
Pablo M. Martinez says:
Ay, Patricia, why the censorious attitude? I, for one, am glad to live in a society that prizes many varieties of freedom, including the freedom to read whatever I please, as well as the access to such material. People who are quick to vilify, demonize, and exclude anything they find objectionable are people who would be most at home in authoritarian, dictatorial environments.
P.S. It's hard to believe any avid reader would post such a poorly written response, by the way.
In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2011 12:29:58 PM PDT
Bil Kimes says:
Sorry to disagree with your distorted and misunderstanding of Catholic Doctrine. Please refer me to which Catholic Doctrine you have found that supports portraying The Most Blessed Virgin Mary as a "Chicana" Tart? Que Dios perdone tu ignorancia