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D. Larios

Greetings, my friends. My name is Daniel Larios. I am a Loyola Marymount University student, a Junior majoring in Political Science with a minor in Chicano/a Studies. My interests include writing, politics, humor, and social issues, especially issues concerning education. My views are more to the left of the political spectrum. I am a feminist, a realist, and someone who values intelligence and education above all else.

I chose to do my project on Olga Talamante because I found her to be a very inspiring figure within the Chicano community. She has devoted her life to help the least among us and has helped young Chicanas make their lives worth wild by guiding them to higher education. My family has a long history with education. I was raised in a household of four teachers, a doctor, a geologist and a businesswoman, so I know the importance of higher education. Talamante's work with Chicana/Latina Foundation hits close to home because my sisters would not be the success stories that they are right now without the pioneering work of Chicanas such as Sra. Talamante. I am extremely grateful to these people, especially Sra. Talamante. So I hope you enjoyed my pages.


-Daniel Antonio Larios