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Rigoberta Menchu Tum: Courageous Activist

Photo: Kirsti Svenning - Copyright: 2009

Source: http://www.vestaldesign.com/blog/2006/10/could-youtube-be-a-marxist-plot/

Rigoberta Menchu Tum has become a world hero for indigenous rights.  She has actively participated in local grassroots organization in the county of Guatemala.  Not only has she risked her life to strive for a better life for people who do not have a voice, but fled her native for reasons that one cannot imagine. Her courage and deliverance to fight for human rights makes her an idol for many whom want to try and change the world for the better.

She has shown everybody that quitting does not exist in time of peril, because even though as one falters, the battle needs to continue.  She has diligently worked with farm workers and indigenous peasants to resist and prevent any form oppression, and depravation of human rights.  The act of kindness is rewarded through an emotional experience, rather than by a concrete reward.  Throughout her life, many lives were taken, mother, father and siblings, having that sense of a violent background; she does not give in to the cruelty of humankind.  Instead, she uses her knowledge and motivation to help others in need. Rigoberta Menchu Tum will not stop, neither will her allies. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!