My name is Melissa Buno and I am currently a student at Loyola Marymount University. I am a Junior Political Science Major and Asian Pacific American Studies Minor. My goal in my field is to work in international relations specifically focusing on Asia. I enjoy reading both books on my major and minor as well as many fiction and nonfiction pieces.

I enjoy learning about world politics and activism which is why I chose Dolores Huerta to research. Politics affects everyone’s life and I think it is important to stand up for what you believe is right. Researching about Dolores inspired me to truly be active not only in my community but in my school as well. Dolores has stood up for people and their rights voicing her opinions and fighting for those who are not heard. She has become an inspiration with her spirit and activity. She fights for everyone regardless of who they are and where they come from  and has made a great impact on the farm workers. Dolores continues to speak out for human rights today following her beliefs and strong activism.

People such as Dolores Huerta need to be recognized for their efforts and their achievements because they are the people who are fighting for civil and human rights which are our rights. Activism is a great tool and we should all be one. Dolores Huerta has become a mentor for many people including myself and I hope everyone who has read and viewed my website will be inspired to speak out and fight.