photo by ohiodems.org

Dolores Huerta

Dolores Huerta is a grassroots organizer and civil rights activist that was very successful in communicating a need for change and bringing the people and the community together. She is a strong believer of change through non violence as she states, “I think we brought to the world, the United States anyhow, the whole idea of boycotting as a nonviolent tactic. I think we showed the world that nonviolence can work to make social change” (Schiff 298). She makes an example showing the world, the change can happen and be effective and successful without violence. She is known for many of her boycotts and organizations. She took part in a national grape boycott fighting for farmworkers rights.

Dolores started her role in activism due to the influence of her parents. Her parents divorced and her mom brought her up along with your other siblings in Stockton , California where you were first exposed to union action. Dolores also learned a lot from Girl scouts where she gained confidence and leadership leading her into organizing a youth club that drew in people from various backgrounds and ethnicities. Her dad influenced Dolores  as well as he was involved in a migrant labor force and worked for a progressive labor legislation and managed to fulfill his dream of graduating from college. Dolores Huerta received her honorary degree from Princeton University graduating just as her father.

            Dolores has continued to stay politically active fighting and supporting laws such as the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act, Aid to Families with Dependent Children and the Bracero Program. She continues to set an example as an activist filled with determination, compassion and strength.